Jim Rizoli Presents - GAS CHAMBER HOAX I, Nov 25, 2023

Published on Nov 25, 2023
All you need do know about the fake gas chamber narrative Gassing didn't happen! It’s the “gas chambers“ stuff.
*** The US government claimed that 238,000 Jews were gassed at Dachau in 1945. This claim has been dropped and no “gas chamber“ is now claimed to being at Dachau. Incredibly 100 Jewish prisoners “testified” that there was “gassing” there. The numbers of dead at Dachau has been thoroughly researched and stands at 30,000. Ironically, the so-called “gas chambers” were actually delousing chambers to cleanse clothes from vermin.
*** The USSR claimed (in document USSR-08) that 4,000,000 Jews were “gassed” at Auschwitz-Birkenau. This claim has been dropped to 1 million; however, according to the Auschwitz-Birkenau mortality registers (only released by the Communists in 1992), the statement of Josef Kramer, commandant of the camp (between 350 to 500 deaths a week according to season) and the crematory ovens (about 50) which were never rebricked after 3,000 cremations, the number was probably not more than 120,000 deaths, mostly due to typhus.
*** The communists claimed that 1,500,000 Jews were gassed at Madjanek between 1941 and 1944. This claim has been thoroughly researched and the number of deaths at Madjanek now stands at 42,500. The camp has now been dropped as an “extermination Center”, by the Zionist Yad Yashem Center in ???? Palestine. The USSR claimed (in Document USSR-10) that the Germans killed 11,000 Polish Officers at Katyn, near Smolensk. This claim has been dropped and it is now admitted by the Russian Government that on the order of Stalin, over 25,000 Polish Officers, were killed by the NKVD at Miedjoye, Kharkov and Katyn AND BLAMED ON THE GERMANS.

Let’s look at this rationally:
*** Adolf Hitler was the leader of the German Reich. He never mentioned Jews being gassed in his speeches, in his war directives, correspondences, orders, or remarks to aids/subordinates. There’s nothing in his last will and testament either. He is also on record stating that the Jews were being sent east to the (Russian) marshes and extermination was MERE public rumor.
*** Hermann Goering, the Reichmarshall of the Reich. He never mentioned Jews being gassed in his speeches, in his war directives, correspondences, remarks to Aides or subordinates, or in his “testimony“ at the Nuremberg “court“.
*** Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels - Propaganda Minister, he never mentioned Jews being “gassed” in his speeches, in his war directives, correspondences, or remarks to aids or subordinates. He wrote a huge secret (personal) diary found by David Irving in the Moscow Archives on Microfiche, (available for a few dollars from CODOH) and there’s absolutely no mention of “gassing“ the jews. One would have thought that Goebbels would have been overjoyed had this been party policy and made a note in his diary.
*** Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfuhrer of the German Reich, never mentioned Jews being gassed in his speeches, in his war directives, correspondences, reports to Hitler, remarks to Aides or subordinates. It doesn’t appear in his desk diary either.
*** Alfred Rosenberg, Minister for the Eastern Territories, he never mentioned Jews being gassed in his speeches, in his war directives, correspondences, remarks to aids or subordinates. His large personal diary states nothing about Jews being “gassed“. He gave a speech in which he said an area in White Russia (now Belarus) is being set aside for Jews.
*** Josef Kramer, commandant of Auschwitz-Birkenau stated that the story of a “gas chamber“ at Birkenau was false from beginning to end.
*** The Korherr Document (1943) a statistical report requested by Himmler, states that 1,500,000 Jews had been sent to the Russian East - it doesn’t mention anything about Jews or anybody else being gassed. The Polish Home Army reported at the time that the Jews went to Pinsk (Belarus) and Kriverg Rog (Ukraine). This report was later edited for the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. Zionists will claim that this report contains “codewords,” but will never say why Himmler is lying to Hitler in a top-secret report.
*** The Wannsee conference - no mention of Jews or anybody else being gassed. Zionists claim that this top secret document is “cryptic” Ask why.
*** Adolf Eichmann - a Lieutenant Colonel [of which there were thousands in the SS and in the Army (Heer)] - there is not a single document ordering him to “gas Jews“ or a document by him which mentions “gassing of Jews“ (or anybody else) or any documents implicating him or even mentioning him in a plan or operation to “gas Jews“.
The Germans never mentioned “gassing of Jews“ in any documentation, or protested about them or even wrote any comments in their diaries. About 80,000 documents were captured at Auschwitz by the Red Army, and none of them mention any “gassing of Jews”. There is no “user guide” or operational guidelines about “gassing Jews”.

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