What White people believed for 40,000 years - 9 Commandments of the White Race

Published on Jul 2, 2020
We've only been Christians for less than 2,000 years. What were we BEFORE we were Christians?
We take a look at a fascinating little video which describes what we believed for 40,000 years. We originally were tribes scattered across Europe, living together and fighting among each other. But we shared many common beliefs. What exactly did we believe during this time? What were our values?
You may be astounded by what you're about to hear...
The 9 Commandments of the White Race:
1. The world is good. Prosperity is good. Life is good and we should live it with joy and enthusiasm.
2. We are free to shape our lives to the extent allowed by our skill, courage and might. There is no predestination. No limitations imposed by the will of any external deity.
3. We do not need salvation. All we need is the freedom to face our lives with courage and honour.
4. We are connected to all our ancestors. They are a part of us. We in turn will be a part of our descendants.
5. We are also linked to all our living kin, to our families and to every man and woman rooted in the tribes of Europe. These are our greater family.
6. We are connected to nature and subject to its laws. The holy powers often express themselves in nature's beauty and might.
7. We believe that morality does not depend on commandments, but arises from the dignity and honour of a noble minded man and woman.
8. We do not fear the holy powers or consider ourselves their slaves. On the contrary we share community and fellowship with the divine. The holy powers encourage us to grow and to advance to higher levels.
9. We practise Asatru by honouring the turning of the seasons, the ancestors, the divine and ourselves in every day life. Asatru is about roots, its about connections, its about COMING HOME!
ASATRU: A Native European Religion - Stephen A. McNallen.
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