Invaders - Synth Iron Maiden Cover

Published on Jan 4, 2025
Hello 2025! Time for a new cover version.

Way back in the early 1990's when I first heard the Number of the Beast album I was kind of taken aback by the first track Invaders. It was somehow insanely catchy but, frankly, I also thought it was kind of awful. The transitions were clunky and what the hell was going on with the lyrics? Maiden played it with a ton of energy though, couldn't fault them for that at least.

But as was the case with my previous Maiden cover projects - specifically No Synthpop for the Dying and The Drone Factor - taking a closer look at something that has been widely considered to be sub-par material, even by the band themselves, I actually found a very good song. Certainly something better than anything they've released in the last however many years.

Well, I'm being slightly disingenuous here. I've think I've always had a soft spot for Invaders in the same way I think Quest for Fire is awesome and awesomely funny. And wouldn't it be awesome if they somehow managed to play Invaders on the Run for Your Lives tour? Not that I'm going to be attending, mind you. But it would be awesome.

Anyway, my version is slow, kind of synth-y but not quite because there's guitars as well and, well, at least it's not a carbon copy of the original.

Steve Harris wrote Invaders. Listen to the original version here:


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