Tony Benn's interview with Saddam Hussein 4th February 2003 (Part 1 of 3)
Published on Aug 23, 2020
Historic Interview by British Politician Tony Benn with Saddam Hussein. In an attempt to avert the upcomming War Tony Benn asks the questions raised by the UK and the USA. Saddams answers to the questions are VERY intriguing and it is no surpise that this interview was all but buried as the rush to war gathered Momentum.
Tony Benn's attempt to avert the War ultimately failed as was to become clear that the desire for War was inevitable. The day after this interview Colin Powell went to the UN and lied through his teeth but convinced the World of the need for War. Powell now says his speech was a BLOT on his reputation!
Among the questions asked are:
Does Iraq have any weapons of mass destruction?
Do you have links with al-Qaeda?
What are the difficulties with the Weapons inspectors and can they be cleared up?
Can you work with the UN to achieve Peace?
Can Iraqs Oil Reserves be used for the benefit of the Iraqi People and the needs of mankind
What do you have to say about the Peace Movement?
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