Worst defence minister is good? Loss of privacy, space travel, surf travel, mummy curse drug

Published on Mar 15, 2021
Cool, but over €11 000:
Your privacy will eventually go away. There will be an app that get its data from a distributed ledger that can't be stopped by anyone:
I call bullshit on that faster than light travel. Erik Lentz is researching bullshit and isn't really building anything interesting in a lab, which is needed for physics breakthroughs. Ideas about dark matter pretty much gave that away.
Beautiful Swedish ladies are debating basic income:
Rebecka Le Moine (MP, the Greens):
Rebecka uses words like
"fuzzy growth policy"
"force everyone into wage labor"
which resonates among a few of people on the right, which is what one wants if one is interested in convincing them
The Sweden agency MSB seems to be working for CCP as they are blaming Russia for the anti-covid demostration:
Ivermectin really really works:
Tocilizumab + remdesivir fails to outperform remdesivir in phase 3 randomized trial by the drug maker, Roche.
I got a like from Scott for this idea:
#tocilizumab should be locked up in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings and never let out so that I don't ever have to try to pronounce it again!
Yesterday @ScottAdamsSays did the best try to pronounce it I've heard, but maybe he was talking about another drug. Hard to tell.
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