(August, 2023) Subhuman asian jews chinese communist lies and fake news (The videos that they've deleted from their own official site)
Published on Aug 12, 2023
(August, 2023)
Subhuman asian jews chinese communist lies and fake news (The videos that they've deleted from their own official site),
And censoring the live stream videos that showing how poor their now situation is .
Their temporary safe zone that before the water come, To make their fake shit/Fake show .
Now you know why the ordinary subhuman jews/Russian(slavic)/Korean/Nigger are great at hollywood, I mean, The Abrahamic/Talmudic was their first fake news back then .
And now you also know why the ordinary subhuman jews/Russian(slavic)/Korean/Nigger etc etc communist/Abrahamic semitic ethnic who deleted/Censored the videos that showing the truth, And destroy the statue that proved the ancient's evidence and keep making their fake news ? Now you know why?
They did this long long ago .
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