Published on Jun 13, 2021
On November 4th, 1988, John Carpenter's THEY LIVE was released to the world... a movie about total human control by way of a hypnotic trance induced through television screens and a signal broadcast. The agenda was complete control by way of subliminal messages encoded in almost everything marketed to the human population.

All of this was done and controlled by an Alien race of non-humanoid beings which has been catapulted by the Reptilian proposed agenda. Is this really just a documentary based upon real events going on in our lives?

* Presentation Music by Dreamstate Logic:

* Intro Music : Stranger Things remix c418

** Graphics, Video creations and presentation by way of the following:
Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop and Camtasia

*** They Live Trailer

*** Websites used for Decoding:

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