Audio of UK Jewish Defence League (JDL) death threat against British journalist Tony Gosling (2012)

Published on Aug 18, 2022
Seems pretty clear this death threat was issued alongside the lies, copied below, which were published on their blog by London based UK JDL in November 2012.
Firstly Tony Gosling is not a 'homophobe'. That accusation was first made in an article published by the 'Harry's Place' blog, penned by Zionist David Toube and propelled by him anonymously into Private Eye in 2008. It refers to Gosling's criticism of senior teachers at Bannerman Road Primary school in Bristol who used homosexual early learning picture books against the express wishes of the parent governors. His criticism was about the deception by teaching staff not because of the homosexual content of the books.
Secondly, if you follow the JDL link you'll find what Tony Gosling actually says about the 'Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion' says "...I don't think there is much doubt that the Protocols are fake..."
Thirdly he is not a member of Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign and has never been to any of their meetings.
Fourthly the accusation that Gosling sees the Bilderberg group as a Jewish conspiracy is countered time and time again on his website. He points out that their main funder, David Rockefeller, is a supposed Baptist, a Christian denomination. Many have remarked how much criticism of Bilderberg before the mid 1990s WAS anti-Semitic and how much Gosling's website has done to counter that lie.
Indeed helping to firmly squash 'Bilderberg is Jewish' hate material that existed before that time should be a reason for Jewish groups to compliment Gosling, not threaten to kill him.

Quotation from JDL UK website November 2012.
"Saturday, 17 November 2012
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Linked to Neo-Nazi's"...
"Tony Gosling, resident far-Right lunatic (and homophobe) of Bristol PSC, believes that we shouldn't doubt the authenticity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Russian forgery about Jews supposedly trying to take over the world (and used by the Nazis to justify their attempt to eradicate the Jewish people).
Gosling also believes the Bilderberg Group is a sinister attempt by Jews to run the world -- an invocation of the most ancient 'power-grabbing' anti-semitic tropes."

According to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the JDL consists only of "thugs and hooligans" and the group's founder, Meir Kahane, "preached a radical form of Jewish nationalism which reflected racism, violence and political extremism,"

Despite being assisted considerably by the state, the fascists seemed to have a pretty miserable time of it. It was clear that the organisers were visibly shaken by the low turnout and that many in their midst were uncomfortable in each others presence given decades of splits and acrimony in the far right. One individual with a strong Israeli accent invited pretty much every photographer present to snap his t-shirt of the extreme Zionist 'Jewish Defence league'. Seasoned anti fascists were highly amused to see him being photographed standing next to well known holocaust denier (and former BNP deputy leader) Richard Edmonds. We can only assume that they did not get round to chatting about thorny issues like the works of David Irving?


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