PDF File Sting Tierlist

Published on Jan 9, 2025

PDF File Sting Tierlist
Have you ever thought about ranking PDF files in a tier list before? Of course you have, I know for a fact it keeps me up at night, so I decided to create a tier list of PDF file stings ranking them based on mostly how funny they are, before we continue I need to make sure that we are all on the same page, here are a few words and their definitions that are going to be popping up often so I thought I would quickly explain them, we have nonce which stands for not on normal courtyard exercise, it was used in prisons to make sure the nonces were separate from the normal prison populations, who had a penchant for stabbing them to . pdf file which ofc means what it sounds like but its one of youtubes no no words and that’s mostly about it but there are a lot of colloquialisms for the term nonce so anytime you hear a funny sounding word its safe to assume it means kiddy diddler. We are going to mainly be looking at UK nonce stings and while some of you guys across the pond tried to emulate this british pastime its lacking a certain je ne se qois that the UK ones have, ill give you an example, here is an American nonce sting or what is the end of the sting, spraying his head with spray cans with lil pump singing, its all a bit showy, now here is what I would describe as a classic UK nonce sting, its like watching theatre, the awkwardness of it, the tension, the hilarity it all hits a certain spot that ive yet to see American nonce hunters accurately replicate. But anyway lets get into the actual videos. For GDPR reasons I cant say the names of the nonces or the names or ages of their alleged victims, also everything I say in this video is alleged and is strictly for comedic purposes. Now, The tiers for the tier list are Innocent, Nonce and Dirty nonce, they are all pretty self-explanatory so let’s just begin. Our first nonce is the bee nonce, this video has a bit of everything, what a gem of a video, they catch a nonce who talks to what he thinks are kids about beekeeping all whilst he is wearing a bee related pop culture quote shirt and the hunters are making bee related puns. I think the nonce ought to change his game of thrones tyrion Lannister shirt to instead say, that’s what I do, I keep bees and I know things, and I also try to groom children, this video is a great example of the short quips that the hunters like to throw out that just make the video ten times better it almost makes it seem like you are on the playground with your mates just having a laugh. If this was an American sting they would have just thrown a pumpkin against his head and walked off, by the way that actually happned in a US sting. Anyway, the nonce in this video is a classic bog standard nonce so for that reason hes going into the nonce tier. Now being a nonce hunter you ought to keep yourself equipped with the most modern technologies, such as the state of the art noncelyser, the tool is demonstrated quite well with this next clip which I like to call patient 0 nonce. Now those among us with keen eyes may see that, that is just a walkie talkie radio that they are making nonces suck on, but you would be mistaken as that is most definitely a noncelyser and only gives accurate readings, but to make sure, the nonce hunters often make them take another reading for accuracy. Well there we have it folks the noncelyser is giving a 100% positive reading for being a nonce so for that reason patient 0 is going to be going into the nonce tier. Our next nonce is what I like to call the The uno reverse nonce, hahahahaha you know what ill hand it to him he knows he is in the deep end so why not throw out a last hail mary to try and save yourself, he looks so earnest when he is speaking about it aswell, slow it down and you can see the moment his dreams of being a nonce catcher are shattered, yeah right there. The hunters also have this insanely infectious laugh which just adds to the humiliation of the nonce, I think the fact that he tried to bribe his way out of being caught, edges him ever so slightly from the nonce, to the dirty nonce tier. Up next is the innocent nonce, now I know that’s very bold of a nickname for me to give but just watch the video and you will understand what im talking about. This is very much a pyrrhic victory for the innocent nonce, proving that you aren’t a groomer by instead revealing that you are into lady boys is a very risky gambit but honestly im inclined to believe him plus most of these stings have become basically lost media because the accounts that posted them are banned and the only thing left are these short clips, for those reasons he is going to go into the innocent tier.

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