Einstein was a Jewish fraud that stole his work...
Published on Aug 19, 2021
You won't even think for a moment that they could have lied to you about science too did you? They wouldn't do that now would they? They torture babies and lie about everything else but no Einstein is totally believable...
He wrote a couple physics papers, but the vast majority of his writing and speaking were political, communism masquerading as pacifism. This surprises most people when they first discover his real body of work- but the public is indoctrinated from a young age that all his work is so unapproachablly complex that we best avoid it and just trust his authority.
Growing up, how many times did you hear: "There's only 6 or 7 people on the planet that can understand Einstein?"
Meanwhile the Communist couldn't even understand quantum erasure, while every physics department on the planet was spending all their undergraduates time obsessing and playing with it. Einstein just said: "Spooky action at a distance," and barely touched quantum mechanics at the time.
Not many people do those experiments anymore and the world has devolved a great deal compared to the incredible explosion in knowledge humanity was experiencing before Einstein came on the scene. I personally believe Einstein is used to keep humanity stifled from higher evolution, rather than as a model to raise humanity up.
I can explain what they are trying to hide: "free energy."
Around 1900 we knew how electricity works, and it's counterpart in mechanics (any electric circuit can be rebuilt as a mechanical equivalent). By utilizing potential and frequency in resonance, the system can be made to collect energy from the surrounding. Any energy collected from outside of the system is free of charge (as in free work, not electrical charge).
It's coefficient of performance can exceed 100%.
Since it is difficult to make money on energy when it can be harvested almost for nothing, this needed to be hidden from the public. Enter (((Einstein))) and the theory of relativity. What this theory did was remove the theoretical possibility of a system with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) greater than 100%.
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