Alan Watt (Feb. 28, 2021) Great Reset and Experimental Vaccine Informed Consent

Published on Dec 26, 2021 with Alan Watt - TOPICS - Lockstep - Klaus Schwab, Global Reset, Wartime Scenario - Energy, Technocracy - Living in Sci-Fi Movie - Professional Persuaders - Rockefeller, Control of 33 Newspapers - Behaviourism - Carroll Quigley, Use of Ridicule - The Club at the Top, Corporations, Eliminate Competition - H.G. Wells, Things to Come, Freemasons of the Air - Bertrand Russell, Useless Eaters - Marxism - City System; Agricultural Societies - Extraordinary Rendition - Tattoos - Culture Promoted from the Top - The Occult, Mr. Mills; Movie, Titus, Anthony Hopkins - Aldous Huxley - Eugenics - Henry Kissinger - Star Making Machinery - New World Order - Theo Adorno - Destruction of Bonding, Family - Stranglehold for Not Wearing a Mask - Please Visit to Donate and Order - Reese Commission - Intelligence Agencies; Psychopaths; Blake, Philby - When Things Don't Make Sense, There's a Different Agenda - Mars, The Way of War - Helena Handbasket, An Open Letter to Appeal to Our Gardaí and Armed Forces - Zero-Covid Advocacy Group ISAG, “Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty”; Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals - Carl Bernstein, The CIA and The Media - Forbes, How To Convince People To Take The Covid Vaccine - 2009, Baxter: Product Contained Live Bird Flu Virus - 2009, Baxter Seeks Swine Flu Sample to Begin Work on Vaccine - Guardian Article from 2009, Swine flu? A Panic Stoked in Order to Posture and Spend - Framing Discourse to Encourage One Interpretation, Lockheed Martin - Leaked Documents, U.K. Program to Plaster Western Media with Anti-Russian Propaganda - Leveson Inquiry - Bloomberg's Vaccination Calculator - John Cleese on Plutocrats - Judge in Spain Orders Incapacitated Woman to Get COVID-19 Vaccine - Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable” and Quarantines “Unlawful” - Article, From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming “Cyber Pandemic” - Book, Men's Average Sperm Counts Down and Testosterone Levels have Plunged - Russell, Diets, Injections, Injunctions - No Cases of Flu in Britain - GCHQ in Cyberwar on Anti-Vaccine Propaganda - Global Research eBook, The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” - Feminist Practices Occult Calls for Human Extinction to Save Planet - How Alberta Premier Jason Kenney Went From Defending Conscience Rights to Jailing Pastors - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman - Fauci - Gilad Atzmon, Hot off the Press: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Admits Israel is the 'world's lab.’ - Postmaster General Previews Slower Mail.
*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 28, 2021 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

For all referenced links in the topics above, please visit:

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"Behaviourists Authorised to Ply Their Craft
Upon Citizens, Gov. Collusion Truly Damning,

Freedom to Reason, Rationalise, Given the Shaft,
For a Great Reset, Years in the Planning

Using Professional Psychological Persuaders
Avoiding Study Facts Recipients Should Know

Means We're Run by Elite Corporate Dictators,
Fawning Democracy is a Child's Story Show,

Informed Consent Means Reading These Studies,
With Each Vaccination Offer to Each One of You,

Not Crowd Techniques "We're Good Guys Buddies,
Majority Accepted so You Should Too",

Stigmatizing, Shaming, are Methods of War
Uniform Opinions are Created and Managed,

Do You Know What Legal Indemnity's For?
You're on Your Own if Your Health is Damaged."
© Alan Watt Feb. 28, 2021
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Alan Watt
591 Elbow Ridge Rd.
Sudbury, ON
P3E 4N1

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Multilingual Transcripts

OR English site (also lists Alan's current talks)
The Eugenics Crusade (Documentary)

Alan Watt on Eugenics in a Post-Industrial World

Psychopathic Dream Comes True – Featuring The Club of Rome from 1973

Blade on the Feather - Dennis Potter

The Architects of Western Decline - A Study of the Frankfurt School

Things To Come - 1936 (Full Film)

The Bolshevik Revolution: Darkness Descends


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