Damamūka Sūtra- Poseidon asking dharma and test to 500 merchant (Credit to Takakusu Junjiro)

Published on Sep 11, 2023

500 merchant planning decided to hunting treasure around the Ocean, But they didn't even know how to sailing, So, Through one of their friend, They've found a man who not only know how to sail, But also a wiseman with the five precepts full discipline .

While sailing quite some time, The ship suddenly stop .

Sea god Poseidon turn himself into a dark green ugly Yaksha, Long teeth with fire on head, Appear right infront of their ship, And ask:
Is there anything in this world more terrible than me?

Wiseman reply: Yes, There is 10 times more terrible than you !

Sea god Poseidon ask: Who?

Wiseman reply: There is one specie of person in this world who killing, Stealing, Indulging, Lying, Greedy, Grudge rude, Misinformation,
Straight enter to hell after death, Suffering with knife cutting, Carriage rolling through body, Cool water Septic tank, Having the various suffer in million of years, This specie of person, More terrible than you .

Sea god Poseidon silence and let the ship move, And invisible right infront of them .

After sailing several miles, Sea god Poseidon turn himself into a skinny giant monster, Stick beside them and stop their ship, And ask all of them:
Is there anyone in this world more skinny than me?

Wiseman reply: Yes, There is someone who skinny than you .

Sea god Poseidon ask: Who?

Wiseman reply: There is ignorance specie of person in this world, Bad intentions in their heart, Stinginess, Greedy, Jealousy, unwilling offering to other,
Straight enter to hungry ghost after death, Big body and small neck,
Messy Hair, Black Skin and skinny, Several thousand million of years, Unable to hear or see any food and even a drop of water, This specie of shape, More skinny than you .

Sea god Poseidon silence and let the ship move, And invisible right infront of them .

After sailing several miles, Sea god Poseidon turn himself into a beautiful girl, Extremely gorgeous, Appear right infront of them, And ask:
Who in this world can compare to my beauty?

Wiseman reply: Yes, There is someone who beauty than you hundreds of thousands times .

Sea god Poseidon ask: Who?

Wiseman reply: There is wise person, Body action, Speech, And thought are clean, Three kind of treasures, Buddhas, Dharma and Monks to offering,
After the end of life, Immediately enter the heaven, Cleanliness and bright, Majestic and decent that unparalleled, Is beauty than you hundreds of thousands times, Compare to you, You just like a monkey compare to gorgeous .

At this moment, Right infront of them,
Sea god Poseidon has finally return to his real original appearance show up to them all, Majestic and breathtaking .

Sea god Poseidon hand holding the ocean water in his palm, And ask:
Is my palm water more than the ocean water, Or the ocean water more than the water in my palm?

Wiseman reply: Your palm water more than the ocean water, Not the ocean water more than your palm water .

Sea god Poseidon: You said it the words, Is that truth?

Wiseman reply: Yes, I'm not lying on you, How?
Despite the ocean water are vast, But it will be dry out one day,
Right before the near end of this world, There is another sun appear,
Two suns rise together, Spring fed pool dry out,
Third sun appear, little river dry out,
Fourth sun appear, Big river dry out,
Fifth sun appear, The ocean water slightly reduce,
Sixth sun appear, The ocean water two thirds reduce,
Seventh sun appear, The ocean water dry out, Mount Shumisen fall, Fire burning all around earth,
At this moment, If someone have self-confidence, Be able to use a palm of water to offering in front of Buddhas, Or monks, Or parents, Or the poor, Or animals,
With this merits, Will be turn into unlimited,
From this perspective, Ocean water less than your palm water .

Sea god Poseidon pretty satisfied with the answer, He joyfully present his rare treasures to the wiseman, Exhorted and entrusted these rare treasures to be offered to the Buddha and the Sangha .

After wiseman and 500 merchant satter up these rare treasures in their ship, They've return to meet Buddha 卐,
After bowing their head to the feet of the Buddha 卐, They've offered these rare treasures to in front of the Buddha 卐 and the Sangha that entrusted by Sea god Poseidon .

Wiseman leading the 500 merchant kneeling with folded hands, And said: We wish to become your students, To learn all the cleanliness taught .

Buddha 卐 accepted them and said: Ehi-bhikkhu .
And turn their hair and beard disappear .

Then, Wiseman and the 500 merchant, Their hair and beard disappeared immediately, Right in front of public and everyone .

Buddha 卐 speak the dharma to them, Including told them about the story of Sea god Poseidon, Including how and why the Sea god Poseidon such powerful, And all about his past etc etc .

After they hearing about these, Immediately enlightenment them, All desires are purified, And achieved the realm of Arhat, And became the Arhat .

After they hearing about these, Immediately enlightenment them, All desires are purified, And achieved the realm of Arhat, And became the Arhat .

At this moment, The rest of all in the ceremony are joyfully and bowing .




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