The REAL Adam Lanza 2019 - Alias "Adamo" and MORE Stunning New Details

Published on May 18, 2020
The REAL Adam Lanza identity has been discovered in 2019. The photographs of "Adam Lanza" crisis-persona are probably old photographs of Ryan Lanza, while the social security number, name, and so on were gleaned from another living person, as discussed here.
See part one first for more important introductory details.
2019, 2020, Sandy Hook, Arapahoe, Adam Lanza, SWAT, second amendment, lockdown, crisis actors, staged, school shooting, Homeland Security, victims, DHS, Stockton, Newtown, Patrick Purdy, Newtown Massacre, M4, AK-47, witnesses, eyewitness, evidence, 911, false flag, testimony, drill, Navy Yard Shooting, staged, gun control, AR-15, Michael Arnold, Tracy Murphy, Claire Davis, handgun, shotgun, Barack Obama, white house, navy, Alexis, attack, bombing, false flag, EMC, John Kerry, government, Viral Truth Industries, police, death records, charity, public relations, PR, government sponsored, ihop, mihop, operation gladio, sandy hook, batman massacre, investigation, controlled explosion, terror, reality check, fear, staged terror attacks, constitution, privacy, bill of rights, oligarchs, media, media coverage, programming, psyop, patcon, history, Barack Obama, LPZ, VTI, stooge, patsy, LivingOnPlanetZ, shadow government, nwo, oligarchy, elitists, FBI, censored, trauma, emergency, NowTheTruthTV, boston marathon, injuries, fake injuries, killed, false flag, false flag attack, Sydney Corcoran, staged attack, moulage, deception, boston marathon, marathon, boston police, Marilyn Kight, EMT

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