Tribal Dominance Hierarchy pt. 1 (occulted knowledge)

Published on Jul 8, 2020
The hidden hand has five fingers, just like the number of arrows on Rothschild's coat of arms. The five pillars to Rothschild's power is the same number used in Nature.

Pillar #1: God. The concept of God is our national religion(Natural Law), the one we all agree on that keeps us unified, cohesive, and strong. God is a mental framework, a belief system, the notion of a higher power, objective reality, and the laws of Nature.

Pillar #2: Life. A strong faith, philosophy and guiding belief system grants us the ability to survive in a harsh environment, granting us life.

Pillar #3: Property or Capital or Means of Production or Economics. Healthy lives enable us to collect, harvest, and manufacture property from our natural environment, "civilizing" nature or making it a more rewarding place to live.

Pillar #4: Family. The nuclear family was the conventional standard used for survival. As humans evolve and progress in enlightenment, we realize the entire community is the family. Humans naturally organize and sort themselves out based on unseen, energetic forces causing attraction and bonding.

Pillar #5: Nation. A strong nation is built from strong families multiplying and "civilizing" the natural environment. This macro family services the same role as the micro family, e.g. the nuclear family, which is why we have a two-party system in the USA. Republicanism substitutes the role of the father(patriarchy) and Democracy substitutes the role of the mother(matriarchy). Dad protects, provides, and keeps safe. Mom cares for, nurtures, and breeds life into the domestic territory. 2nd Hermetic principle of Correspondence: As Above So Below; As Below So Above. A nation is only as strong as its weakest link, just like the links in a chain. If a nation fails to service the needs of its members, it will die off to make way for stronger, more dominant tribes. If you neglect your children, for instance, your lineage will whither away as well. This knowledge is from spirituality and psychology which is one and the same. All laws of nature are spiritual laws.

Original title: 5 Pillars of the TRUE (Natural) Right
The 5 pillars of a truly right-wing alternative to the false choices we currently have. ~Expand for links~

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