Indiana doctor spoke at his city council about misinformation from CDC on COVID and VAX

Published on Aug 9, 2021
Indiana doctor spoke at his city council about misinformation from CDC on COVID and VAX
Dr. Dan Stock, a McCordsville resident and family medicine physician, spoke on the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools.
More COVID facts the CDC & Biden Administration doesn't want you to hear.
An Indiana doctor spoke in front of his city council about coronavirus and what he's seeing in the media. He lays into them with one fact after another. Don't be a sheep. Be a leader like this doctor!
Hancock County Patriots
On Friday, August 7th Dr. Dan Stock addressed the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools. You can watch his 6 minute presentation before the school board HERE on Facebook or HERE on youtube (15:20 mark) HERE on Rumble. In his presentation, he references a flash drive he gave the school board members to review with all of the scientific literature he referenced.
SO, what happened after Dr. Stock spoke? Let's just say, his speech had an impact. The school board "tabled" their plans and will "contemplate" what Dr. Stock said.
Click on the links to access the following studies.

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