Published on Sep 16, 2022
This is great stuff. You even got Weev in there. lol He's got all our IP's. I'm glad someone is spreading that photo of Bibi with Brietbart, Gateway Pundit and the rest. I couldn't stand Cantwell but I didn't know he admitted to being FBI. Anybody had to know Trump was Kosher when he appointed John Bolton. You got all the Alt-Right. Boy, was I confused when they suddenly came on the scene and all these "pro-Whites" were following them. Mark Collette played a part in destroying the BNP and all these idiotic pro-Whites watch him.
And there really was a point in time where you couldn't get pro-White channels/blogs to entertain other conspiracy theories besides ZOG government. It was frustrating because you don't get the whole picture if you don't open your mind. Really great stuff. Thanks for posting.
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