Good Fathers (Don't Raise Queers)

Published on Apr 2, 2021
Good Fathers (Don't Raise Queers) by White's Cavalry; a song against homosexual degeneracy and rejecting the sodomy culture.
Original music by White's Cavalry, distributed by Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Media. Released 3/31/21. Demo version.
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I didn't raise my son to get reamed in the ass, I didn't raise my boy to be a queer.
I didn't raise my son to lick butt for fun. No, good fathers don't raise no queers.
They've got their pride parades, whips and chains, shame and AIDS my child.
No good pedophiles, their lifestyles are vile. Good fathers don't raise no queers.
They're reading stories to kids while living in sin, dressing like cheap dollar whores.
Suing men over cakes, attacking their faith. Fathers don't raise no queers.
Now they say "love is love." Lord above! Tell me, is it the same as a husband and wife, who can create a new life?
Fathers don't raise no queers.


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