ERASED Comets from History: 1500 to 1699 (Pole Shift? Tartaria). A Must Watch!

Published on Apr 9, 2021
Did a Pole Shift occurred during the 16-17th century?
My research is Free of charge, Thank You if you have Donated! ❤️🙏💫💫
(* see my video Pole Shifts Hidden in Medieval Maps and humanity seems to have managed to survive the catastrophes & the so called 'End of Times,' 'End of the World' or 'Armageddon' every time it was expected to occur. This is the forth of a series of eBooks analyzing the catastrophes of the past 1,000 years & their relation to electric interactions of Comets with Earth & the Sun, & the symbols recorded in petroglyphs, symbols used by Kings & religions, inspired by these interactions and seen over and over throughout history.
In the Middle Ages, specially in the mid 1600's The End Of the World was expected, and as result many changes took place, including the Reformation in Britain & the appearance of several Messiahs promising salvation or rapture during the End of the World. Strange and frightening phenomena was seen & experienced by people worldwide, including Serpents or 7-Headed Monsters seen in the sky, Red Crosses, Caduceus, raining fire o 'raining blood', 'Armies of Angels fighting in the heavens', 'flying coffins', muck suns & other bizarre & strange phenomena... Piracy in the Caribbean, Which Hunting reached an old time highs & many innocent people were sacrificed and burned alive in order to appease the heavens. Innumerable sightings of Comets,natural disasters, mass death & depopulation of whole cities world wide; religious persecution, famines & cannibalism, misery, mass death as seen under the Rome's catacombs with thousands of human bones, mass migrations of desperate peoples & the Colonization of America and the mysterious "disappearance of settlements"... Why were Yeshiva & Amun-Ra depicted with ram's horn's? (listen or read 'Apotheosis of Alexander the great & Cyrus the Great').
Full sources found in
Images from 'Augsburg's Book of Miracles' shows astronomical & comet phenomena seen & recorded in the last 2000 years)
Venus-Earth-Jupiter 575 Year cycle:
Chronology of Catastrophes
Anthony Peratt;
Jim Weninger:
Andrew Hall:

Make sure you save the link to my website MYTHOS DECODED. And in case you can't find me here, look me up in bitchute in the near future, as a back up.
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