TeamWhite 2021 No 5: Failing Africa, COVID, Court Cases, Health, Thomas Sowell foolishness

Published on Dec 4, 2021
This show was recorded on 2nd December 2021.

In this show Alex and I discuss Thomas Sowell and a rubbish analysis of his about Africa and Europe and why Africa is at a disadvantage. We talk about massive unemployment in South Africa along with water and electricity problems. I also mention our Black Jewish President, Ramaphosa who wants to vaccinate everyone in the country.

Alex raises the issue of the Jew Jared Diamond, who wrote a book wherein he tried to claim that White success in America had nothing to do with race.

We discuss the trial outcomes for Kyle Rittenhouse as well as for Richard Spencer, Cantwell and others. We also talk about the future including the dangers of inflation and maybe hyper inflation.

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