Published on Jun 13, 2023

Pass The Salt ⛪??? &

Welcome to Steve Johann Productions and the Lion Zone
“The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1

Steve Johann Productions helps people launch professional podcasts. The Lion Zone is my platform where I write books, produce inspirational, educational, spiritually grounded content designed to equip individuals for the fight of their life and come out victorious.

Did you know there’s a cosmic battle being fought and you’re part of it?
There is a cosmic battle being waged between the agents of darkness and agents of light. It’s been going on for a long time and you’re part of it, whether you like it or not. Did you know that at the end of life there will be an accounting made? Did you know there’s more to life than power, pleasure and possessions? Did you know, you can always switch sides and start living up to your God given potential?

In this cosmic battle there are three enemy forces: The flesh/mind, the world system and the Devil (spiritual realm). The battle is being waged on three fronts: Individual, communal and global. Depending on what side you are fighting for, you will be: A) Helping to overcome the darkness by sharing light. B) Extinguishing the light by supporting the darkness.

There’s no opting out of the battle
The fight between good and evil is being fought between the Lords of Light (those under Jesus command) and the Lords of Darkness (those under Satan’s command). As individuals we are given the choice as to which side we will fight for. We can choose to step out of the darkness and into the light or we can choose to remain in the darkness.

Unlike a physical battle being fought on land, this battle is being fought inside our mind which is then manifested through our actions. It’s our mind that dictates our thoughts, beliefs and actions even down to how our physical bodies operate. Our minds can cause us to love or hate someone. It can cause us to live in freedom or fear. It can even bring about health or illness.

In this battle, there are three types of people
Type one are the soldiers of darkness. This group contains the wealthiest most powerful men on earth. According to scripture their final destiny is the lake of fire. They live by a Darwinian mindset of survival of the fittest. They love money and pleasure and they have an intense need, to control others. They have a god complex and are driven by Demonic beings.

Type two are the soldiers of light known as Lions which consists of truth seeking individuals, whose path leads to eternal life. This group works to right wrongs, give a hand up to the fallen, share the light of God through wisdom, knowledge and truth in a spirit of love. They know or will know Jesus as their Lord. They are fully aware of the Darkling’s and are doing all they can to thwart and counter them.

Type three are the great in-between known as sheep. This group is oblivious to the struggle going on between the Lords of Darkness and Lords of Light. This group believes what they’re told by the very World System run by the Darkling’s who wish to keep them penned up. Some are searching for truth and need guidance, others blindly obey everything they are told by authority figures and don’t want to know truth. Some have given up all hope and are living in a self imposed internal hell of their own making.

The question I wish to ask you is, which team are you on? What type of person are you?

An invitation to join the Lion Zone
The Lord of light also known as the Lion of Juda is gathering to Himself a resistance group, made up of truth seekers who operate in love and truth. My mission is to set the captives free from their self-imposed* ignorance and to step into the Lion Zone.

Lions are the kings and queens of the African plains. Unlike the Mountain lion who is a solitary creature. African lions don’t live alone, they live in prides. Lions believe in family and community we protect each other, we educate each other and we assist each other. We have only one Alpha Lion and that’s the Lion of Juda, King Jesus.

Be of great cheer, you’re not alone in your struggle against the darkness. There’s millions who’ve not bowed to Satan. My job is to help you do the same, should you choose to do so.

*I say self-imposed, because we are what our mind consumes. Most of us are guilty of feeding our mind poisonous content put out by the world system in the form of media, educational systems and a myriad of other content birthed in darkness. The good news is, you can have your mind renewed by leaving the sheep pen and following the Lion of Judah.

Where to begin

Next Steps…
Call me at 425-743-6161 or send me an email with your query and I’ll follow up accordingly. Call to Action


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