Flaming Pigs and Anti-Elephant Tactics DOCUMENTARY
Published on Jun 3, 2021
Documentary on Anti-Elephant Tactics! Start learning a new language today with Babbel! Signup to get 50% off 6 months for a limited time only! ​ https://bit.ly/BabbelxInvicta
This history documentary covers the anti war elephant tactics used in antiquity. We cover a broad swath of ancient warfare and battles which is summarized into sections on ranged weapons, traps, formations, sights/sounds/smells, and specialist units like flaming pigs.
Each section includes specific examples plucked from greek, persian, or roman history to name just a few. This includes mention of the battle of Zama, the battle of Thapsus, the battle of Asculum, the battle of Gaza, and the siege of Megara.
Some of the most interesting and novel tactics was the practice of setting animals on fire to scare the war elephants. Flaming pigs for instance were used by the Greeks at the siege of Megara and possibly the Roman army at the battle of Maleventum against the war elephants of Pyrrhus of Epirus. These were featured in the game Rome Total War. Tamerlane is also reputed to have used flaming camels in his campaigns which show up in the game Age of Empires.
Bibliography and Suggested Reading:
War Elephants by John M. Kistler
War Elephants by Osprey Publishing
Animals in the Military by John M. Kistler
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