Jim and Diane, Roe Vs Wade Reversal Issue, June 24, 2022

Published on Jun 24, 2022
JEWS PRO-ABORTION: [This author has some lack of understanding of how the Lord views Children (dkk)]

The Jewish Council of Public Affairs (JCPA) condemns Texas’ new anti-abortion law, Senate Bill (S.B) 8, which bans abortion after six weeks into a pregnancy—before most people are aware they are pregnant. S.B. 8 places the onus of enforcement on private citizens, who can now sue abortion providers, as well as anyone who “aids or abets” an abortion after six weeks. - JCPA Condemns Texas’ New Anti-Abortion Law | JCPA (jewishpublicaffairs.org)


"Jewish groups are constantly involved in fundraising efforts to keep abortion rights in the forefront, spending tens of millions of dollars to ensure that abortion remains legal. On February 28th, 1989, The American Jewish Congress ran a full page ad in the New York Times entitled "Abortion And The Sacredness Of Life," which cost them a staggering $30,000. Securing the right to kill unborn children comes with a high price tag. The Jewish Talmudic view on abortion is a disturbing one, since if a fetus is not considered a living being until birth, it can only mean that Talmudic Jews would have no problem with abortion at any stage of gestation for any reason, up until birth."
September 27, 2009, From Incogman
Article by Jayne Gardner (below), Forward by James Matthew Cantu

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