Corona = The Crown Corporation Queen Of G. Britain
Published on Dec 17, 2021
The Crown Corporation that's owned by big banksters Rothschild control all.
The Queen is the mother of Freemasonry / 5G=GG G god of Freemasonry.
The Queen of G. Britain has the patent.
The Pirbright Institute is of the Queen of England.
The Pirbright Institute (UK) has been awarded 11 U.S. Patents, including Coronavirus U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701.
The Pirbright Institute is controlled by the Queen's Golden Share along with SERCO and QinetiQ (pron. kinetic).
Pirbright's controllers track back to SERCO, QinetiQ & Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Chairman Marconi and the British Intellectual Property Institute.
Outrageously, British SERCO -- today runs the U.S. Patent Office (proof below), U.S. FEMA Region 04, and Zone 02, websites for U.S. Obamacare, OPM, GSA and U.S. Navy SPAWAR, Virginia, New York, 63 U.S. city air traffic controllers, and more.
SERCO used its control of the U.S. Patent Office to issue its British bio company a patent on the Coronavirus in record time -- that's pure fraud.
The Rothschild family is a family of German Jewish bankers who accumulated and lost vast sums of wealth over the past two centuries. The dynasty was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a wealthy Jewish banker living in the ghetto of Frankfurt, Germany during the late 18th century. The family established itself across Western Europe and received noble titles from both the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom. The Rothschilds engaged in fairly boring capitalist shenanigans such as real estate, mining, and winemaking, of all things. Through its various branches, the Rothschild banking business was involved in the Napoleonic Wars, financing the Suez Canal, and financing Cecil Rhodes' colonialist dreams during the Scramble for Africa. The Rothschilds engineered every single modern war, started the Holocaust, and caused every single assassination of a US president.
The subversive Jewish writer Morirz Steinschneider invented the term "Anti-Semitic" in 1860. The term is used to silence those that dare to expose Jewish crimes. Including numerous "antisemitic conspiracy theories" such as New World Order-type conspiracy theory, QAnon and the International Jewish Conspiracy.
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