European Nationalist Politician Converts to Islam: Joram Van Klaveren | For the record i am not advocating for Christians to become Muslims and vice versa. Humanity only has one problem.
Published on Oct 10, 2021
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0:00 – what made you reconsider islam
12:18 – What was the Reaction of your politician colleagues
15:08 Ex-Muslims were the most bitter for my conversion
15:40 Far right conservatives criticizing Islam for conservative values
21:15 Source of anti-muslim animosity?
21:55 Identity crisis of Europe
23:57 Instead of focusing on secularism they are targeting Muslims
24:47 White nationalism in Europe?
25:42 The historical cause of European white nationalism
28:38 Q: Is there a connection between Zionism and antimuslim politics
31:31 The irony of Christian Zionism
35:03 Convincing others about Islam
36:26 Best strategy to change their views?
37:52 Progression of your learning towards Islamic understanding and practices
40:19 The Prophet(pbuh) is role model for every aspect of life.
42:01 Umar(ra),From bitter enemy to strongest supporter of Islam.
42:47 Br. Joram’s facebook is fake.
43:28 Islamic Experience Center.
45:47 Exchange of kind words from both br. Daniel and br. Joram
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