JAILING OPINIONS, Lady Michele Renouf (circa 2006) Full, All 3 Parts, June 9, 2023
Published on Jun 9, 2023
Part 1: Great talk by Lady Michele Renouf, which includes videos & images of relevant topics. This talk was given when David Irving was in jail in Austria from 11 November 2005, and awaiting trial. Check out how ruthless some jews are in pushing their lies onto the masses. Anyone with half a brain, who watches the videos i have put up (starting at the bottom of my channel) can learn how they have been lied to and would agree that the jewish holocaust is a fictitious conspiracy theory. This jewish judge should be treated as one who committed treason would be treated.
Part 2: Jews succeeded in imprisoning David for a private 10 word reply with a communist jewish whore reporter, 16 years prior. Holocaust law is Israeli jewish law. Jews throw out boxes of David's work/findings (Jewish book burning continuing). Prof. Robert Faurisson (76 years old) video of a [cowardly] jew beating him up. Police controlled by Jews - they want money to protect David etc. seems like the police a bunch of [cowards] who allow some criminal jews to control them like puppets. Ernst Zundel case much more !!!
Part 3: More detailed information of jewish crimes against humanity, in their battle against Christians / europeans to force their lies onto us. Check out how this jewish communist Christa Zochling, entraped David Irving, which resulted in his arrest 16 years later and imprisonment in Austria. Lady Renouf provides details regarding David's trial to be held on 20 February 2006 and much more useful information. eg the quote from Article 19 of the UN 1948 declaration for human rights.
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