White Nationalism is just...White Noise. | American Krogan
Published on Jun 17, 2020
AK's Original Description:
I'm disabling comments for now, because people are posting things that can be used against me.
I made this video more for personal catharsis than anything else. I am under no illusion that I'm making some big difference by putting this out. But with that said...
Daniel Lombroso has a new documentary coming out about his time "embedded" within the "Alt-Right." Quite shockingly, he found out that White people are uniquely evil, so we can't be allowed to live together undisturbed. But it's okay, because he's figured out as well that White Nationalism is just incoherent babble from lost souls who can't find meaning on their own.
The documentary comes out this Saturday, June 20th.
Here's a link to the article:
Here's Daniel's other documentary on Israeli Settlements:
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