1954 High school foreign exchange students. Philippines, Israel, UK: Criticisms of America
Published on Mar 10, 2021
[Description of video is not mine]
Discussion by teens from Great Britain, Israel, Philippines, France and a local USA boy.
One thing I find interesting about this series, is that the foreign students often allude to the very strong social conformity they observe among Americans which seems at odds with the freedom they are afforded. The explanation that is given, is that as a new country with limited shared history and one comprised of people of different ethnic backgrounds, this conformity is needed, and is indeed a pre-requisite for America to exist as a nation. This seems a reasonable deduction, but so what does this mean for America today, where the emphasis on individualism, authentic self expression, aspirations of individual groups is so strong?
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1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans
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