Taiwan goes in lockstep with other nations response to the invisible enemy "virus"...copies the UK
Published on Jan 23, 2021
Mirrored from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/king-richard/
Taiwan copies the UK , has a colored coded tier system for a "virus" for over 10 new "cases"...having flu or no flu like symptoms...in Taiwan's flu season.....its almost like this was planned a long time ago...
The state closes down Chinese New Year festivities...closes the lantern festival...threatens to fine people who dont wear a mask...copies the UKs threats and intimidation against peace loving people...communism is birthed...the great reset...agenda 21....flattening the curve...the beginning of the destruction of all small businesses...for "cases" that have flu like symptoms in the flu season???...(they shut Dihua Street New Year Market ...small private venders..but Cosco is absolutely packed day in and day out???) ...its not about a "virus"....(the UN, WHO is the virus and bought corrupt party government officials)
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