The Bible Way to Heaven for Mormons, Jew, and Gentile (The True Way, explained further)

Published on Apr 28, 2021
No money is being made, I make these videos to work for God and him alone. I do not want donations, nor do I want any compensation for any of the videos that I post.

If videos I post are copyrighted and I do not know about it , they are welcome to monetize or simply ask me to take the video down, and I will as long as the copyright can be proven.

Most of the content I post is about spirituality and Christianity. I may throw the random nerdy video every now and again of how much FPS I can get on GTA V running an R9 380 4GB 256-bit card alongside an AMD FX 8320 ;) Back to the point though.

This video is being shared in the hope that some members of the "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" (LDS for short) will come to the true knowledge of the saviour, Jesus Christ, and know that he died for our sins and if we put our faith in him, we will be more comforted than ever. Matthew 11 and Matthew 21 as well as Galatians 3-5 I challenge any Mormon to read. The Book of Mormon itself is in direct conflict with their doctrines.

I just hope you can come to the knowledge of the truth, and if you don't know what the truth it, I know a very knowledgeable man and he knows a LOT about the Bible.

Steven Anderson from Tempe, AZ runs Faithful Word Baptist Church. You can the true BIBLE WAY TO HEAVEN and know for 1 million percent (really in your heart of hearts) that you are going there the moment you breathe that last breathe. It is around 5-10 minutes long, its very short. If you are LDS I beseech ye that ye may hear my words and test the spirits to see if they are true (KJV NT paraphrase). 5 minutes to test the spirits isn't going to hurt, especially if you have doubt. The link is below.

The Bible Way to Heaven (sacred and simple):


God bless every single person out there that watches this video, regardless of their religion. :)

Disclaimer: This video is being used to help LDS members come to the knowledge of the truth. If anything is copyrighted, I did not know beforehand, therefore I can not be put at fault for the infringement as it would have been done in ignorance.

For the most part I DO NOT and WILL NOT ever post anything I know to be copyrighted. Videos that do NOT have a copyright on them and whose owners are EXPLICIT when they say there are NO COPYRIGHTS involved with their media, it is then our good faith judgement that the content is not copyrighted.

If you see any content that may be copyrighted, please contact us first and we will investigate the situation immediately (please allow 48-72 hours for a response) upon receipt of the claim. We love you guys though, God bless you.

I just hope Google isn't taking down religious videos just because they can.... v.v

That would be like...almost..... censorship .....

Please comment if you have any questions about salvation. I will talk to anyone who messages or comments to me and has questions.


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