rabbi's pedophile crime spree
Published on Mar 17, 2021
Why do Jewish authority figures continue to be accused of pedophilia against primarily Jewish children?
The Talmud, highest authority for modern Talmudic Judaism, endorses pedophilia. It calls it “Halachah†or binding Jewish law!
The Talmudic rabbi most instrumental in persuading rabbis today to indulge in pedophilia is 2nd century A.D. Simeon ben Yohai. It’s hard to imagine a rabbinic sage more esteemed than ben Yohai. He is credited by Ultra-Orthodox Jews as the author of the Zohar, or Kabbalah. Every year in Meron in Israel (where ben Yohai died), more than 10,000 Hasidic Jews gather for a week of singing, dancing, and praising ben Yohai, who may well be Kabbalist Judaism’s most venerated authority.
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