Published on May 11, 2021
Good evening, and welcome to the upside down. Where what you see, can never be, and what you know, just isn’t so. Where bad is good and wrong is right. Where truth went down without a fight. Where you might just say, everyday is opposite day. Can I offer you a mask or an anal swab? Rape is the law, if its for a good cause. Oh no, it isn’t mandatory, that would be cruel, but you have no choice, that’s our only rule. Before you enter I must tell you about the world’s deadliest disease. It can take you out with a single sneeze. It's a clever bugger too, it can’t take out a violent mob it only thrives in those with jobs. but luckily, we have the only cure, it won’t stop it from spreading but that's all we know for sure. So “What does it do?”, you may ask. No one knows, so please be sure to double mask. “It’s super safe" the doctor said. Even if you end up dead, because the antidote can’t kill you since it's the leading cause of coincidence.

Now roll up your sleeve and let’s go, I’ll take you through the backwards show. Where doctors kill and science shills for our lord and saviour, a man named Bill. To your left you will find our grand display of courageous men with nothing to say. They don’t provide, or lead, or slay. They smile, nod, and let you have your way. To your right you’ll see our exhibition of empathy. Where the rich stay home, and through their phone, demand that old folks die alone. Follow along the yellow dotted line, to our memorial of dissent, our evil shrine. The thought criminals and sense seekers and those who disrupt, the ones who tried to turn us right side up. They did not shrink, to double think, so all of them died from “suicide”.

Thank you very much for visiting THE UPSIDE DOWN! Now please return to the circus with the rest of the clowns.

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Music: Gaiety in the Golden Age
Video Link: https://youtu.be/tjVL7CQXo_Q​

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