Cocopeat alternate| Use of peanut shells for plant| Plant fertilizer
Published on Mar 31, 2021
Mirror: Life Side on jewtube
Cocopeat alternate describes a way to use wasted peanut shells for plant growth. It shows a method to make cocopeat substitute at home, which can be used for any seedling to grow.
About me
Rida Batool BSc, Bed, MSc Botany
Study related to plants
Plant researcher, worked on phytoremediation potential of plants especially Maize.
Worked to find effect of chromium stress on plants.
Actively participated in national and international conference held in colleges and universities.
Teaching Biology and other science subjects since last five years.
Honors and Awards
Included in top ten students in university
Best teacher Awards in 2016,2017
Studied at Punjab University Lahore
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