The best white power movie "Prayer of the Rollerboys (1990) - 4K - Staring Corey Haim
Published on Jan 7, 2025
Make sure on scene changes u listen to the radio broadcast undertone, gives hints of a future America dangerous to whites
This is a much better quality, 4K upscale of this movie!
You know the truth is that I am fully locked out of human society and all my skills are considered worthless. I am not allowed to earn any money, and since I don't own any copyrights I can't make money on YouTube either. Besides, the people at google corporation are sharks who make most of the money on everything and only share a very small portion of their income with a relatively small number of creators who are deemed to be sufficiently supportive of the corrupt establishment! Other people just think I am crazy... I think from now on I am going to just keep things to myself and for myself rather than make money for google corporation! Other people won't even talk to me about why American school lied about everything and how I could get a decent job rather than having to lie to the ignorant and lying semi-fascist professionals in order to continue to collect welfare. My very survival is threatened by the fact that most of the professionals in this country just lie about everything! I talked online for 20 years to no avail... The population is fully brainwashed against me and fully programed to ignore everything I say! Therefore, why would I share any of my knowhow with anyone anymore?
Old Description:
From an early age, they teach the declaration of independence and say that everyone has inalienable rights, which means that your constitutional rights are set in stone and can never be violated or taken away. They further tell us lies that those who learn in school will be practically guaranteed to be able to make a good living. But there are cracks in this façade of lies that America tries to indoctrinate us with! Any kid who is different or may start to develop some behavioral problems, will be drugged to try to control them. Kids who are too smart or too logical will be ostracized by everyone and they will have no friends. By high school, the teachers start manipulating the test grades to give everyone an A or B on all of the tests, in order to take away any advantages of the smart kids. Unfortunately, the psychiatric drugs are known to cause violence and suicidal behavior as side effects, and when the kid becomes an adult, the shit will hit the fan!
Suddenly after graduation, they will "admit" to you part of the truth, that school teaches absolutely zero marketable job skills, and that you are now reset to absolute zero. Suddenly, they will expect that you either work a menial low wage job all your life, or you fork over at least ten thousand dollars for the chance to learn an actual job skill.
Interlude: Where is the outrage? Your parents work hard and pay property taxes to support the schools, but the school teach nothing at all of value to employers? There is no outrage, everyone is a cow on a human farm. End of Interlude.
Now, if you cannot work a low wage menial job all your life or fork over oodles of money and start from scratch learning a job skill, then everyone will suddenly start to attack you as soon as you become an adult!
Naturally, you would be very upset that American society completely turned the tables on you and reset you to zero after all of your hard work for 13 years! But it gets even worse than that!
As I said, once you become an adult, everyone else in society will suddenly begin to attack you. Your parents will yell and scream at you multiple times per day. And with the drugs they put you on, eventually you will "crack".
In school, they never taught you anything about America's laws or the fact that they like to take away the rights of millions of citizens and prevent them from making a living! That would go against their lies and brainwashing that you had "inalienable" rights. So now you are aware that America is a lying fraudulent and semi-fascist regime!
Now, I resist the semi-fascist lying regime of America. I am forced to lie and say I am fully taking their fraudulent ineffective and harmful drugs so that people don't attack me again. The system was manipulated against me and the fact that I learned more than 98% of the other students in school does nothing to change anything at all because school knowledge is worth nothing to their fascist people!
I know that American society is almost completely fake and manipulated and based on lies. There is nothing I can do as the American regime has the rest of the world in their pocket. Most Americans have been thoroughly brainwashed, and they cannot be reasoned with and they are incapable of understanding why it was wrong for them to lie about so many things!
If you think about it, you can understand that the only reason America gives children drugs that are addictive and cause mental illness, is for Eugenics purposes. The Eugenics programs of the 1940's and 50's never ended, they just took on a new form! This movie predicted that almost perfectly!