CNN's 9-11-2001 Live Coverage [8:46.32 A.M E.T - 5.00 P.M E.T]

Published on Sep 11, 2020
Amazingly, I was able to grab these timestamps:
- Coverage runs from 8:46.32 A.M E.D.T (The moment of the first attack) - 5:00 P.M E.D.T
- In memory of the 2,974 victims killed that day
Timeline of events ( ALL Times Eastern)
@00:00:00/ 8:46:32 AM - A.A Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Center's North Tower
@00:03:02/ 8:49:34 A.M - CNN BREAKS IN
@00:16:29/ 9:03:01 A.M- U.A Flight 175 Crashes into W.T.C South Tower.
@00:43:28/ 9:30:00 A.M - President Bush makes remarks
@00:49:38/ 9:36:12 A.M- Aaron Brown takes over coverage from N.Y.C on CNN rooftop at 5 Penn. Plaza
9:37:46 A.M - A.A Flight 77 crashes into Pentagon
@1:12:35/ 9:59:01 A.M - W.T.C South Tower collapses
10:03:11 A.M -U.A Flight 93 Crashes in Shanksvillie P.A
10:15:18 A.M - CNN Banner reads "Attacks Against Targets in New York & Washington "
@1:39:42/ 10:26:14 A.M - 1st pictures from the ground on tape shown
@1:41:51/ 10:28:23 A.M W.T.C North Tower Collapses
10:37:30 A.M - "747 Is down in Pennsylvania"
10:50 A.M - "large plane crashed this morning, north of the Somerset County Airport, which is in western Pennsylvania"
- Aaron Brown
10:57:54 A.M - CNN switches to "America Under Attack" Breaking News banner
11:05 A.M - CNN Banner reads " Terror Attacks Against Targets in New York & Washington "
11:08:27 A.M - CNN removes clock
11:10:54 A.M - CNN adds news ticker, Jeff Greenfield joins coverage
11:20 A.M - 11:22 A.M - 1st detailed reports on hijacked flights
11:24:50 A.M - Judy Woodruff joins coverage
11:27 A.M - Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania
11:32 A.M - "There is only one group that has ever indicated that it has this kind of ability, and that's Osama bin Laden."
- General Wesley Clark
11:38 A.M - More detailed reports of hijacked flights
11:42:20 A.M - Woodfruff hands coverage back to Brown & Greenfield beginning back and forth reporting
12:36:09 P.M - President Bush will not return to Washington
12:43:01 P.M - 1st pictures of Flight 93 crash site
12:49 P.M - Bush has landed at Barks dale air force base
1:10 P.M- Tape of 2nd Bush remarks
1:51 P.M - 1st live report from Flight 93 crash ( David Mattingly)
2:14 P.M - Miles O'Brien provides 1st details of hijacked flight paths
2:35 P.M - 2:54 P.M - 1st Rudy Giuliani press conference
2:55 P.M - Joie Chen with the 1st recap of days events
3:13:54 P.M - 1st still images of amateur footage of flight 175 impact shown
3:35:20 P.M - CNN Banner reads " Terrorists Crash Hijacked Airliners Into World Trade Center, Pentagon"
3:59 P.M - "U.S. officials are saying that they now have new and specific information, and they say this information is good indications that people with links to Osama bin Laden may have been responsible for these attacks."
- David Ensor
4:10:26 P.M - Building 7 is on fire and may collapse


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