11 September 1683 -Winged Hussars

Published on Oct 12, 2022
Sabaton ♫
Фильм - Одиннадцатое сентября 1683 года (2012)

This Song is about the Siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Empire in 1683.
As Vienna, a strategically important capital city, was besieged by the Ottoman army commanded by Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha, a Christian Coalition was formed, which relieved the city in the Battle on the Kahlenberg, also known as Battle of Vienna.
This Coalition later became the “Holy League”, which continued to defend Europe until the war ended in 1699.
The subject of the song is the charge by 3,000 winged Hussars lead by Polish King Jan Sobieski.
Despite the massive difference between their numbers and those of the Sultan’s army, the winged hussars almost certainly made all the difference in the battle. The 3000 strong heavy cavalry plunged into and pierced the Ottoman lines, breaking through to the ottoman supply train and the Grand Vizer’s headquarters.
The Ottoman army, already exhasuted by the siege, were routed and driven from the field. A little over 3 hours following the Winged Hussar’s charge the battle was won.


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