Published on Jun 10, 2024

And that would’ve been it, if not for the fact that I received a comment on the first post, reading:

This isn't that crazy of a theory. There were lots of Jews in the Ottoman empire that followed crazy fake Jewish Messiahs like Sabbati Zevi who people later replaced with Jacob Frank. The way I heard this theory was The Jews wanted to destroy the Ottoman Empire to free up Palestine. I believe they referred to the Armenians as the Amalekites, which they are told in the Torah to kill. Anyways, by 1915 the Ottomans were defeated but there is still the Arabs who were more opposed to Zionism than the Ottomans. Well in 1916 T.E. Lawrence enters Arabia, thw Arab uprising happens, and by 1917 the Balfour Declaration is written. The OP seems puzzled of why the Jews would have wanted to start WWI, so I'm assuming they must not have heard of the Bolsheviks. It may also me worth mentioning the Sauds originally come from Turkey and were descendents of Donmeh Jews as well as their personal Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab, which is where Wahabbi Islam comes from. Middle Eastern Historians have been killed for making the information public, but it was even released in translated unsealed documents America took from Iraq. People trying to self-fulfill religious prophecies is still common today, so idk why this would be so absurd.

And when I replied with shock, the poster replied:

What was so outrageous about my comment? You're acting like I wrote the book or came up with this hypothesis on my own. Did I say something so offensive? If you were Middle Eastern, or should I use the term Semetic, then you would know about the history of Donmeh Jews. People don't go around making up stuff these stories out of hate, especially when Jewish people have been sources for information on Sabbati Zevi and the Donmeh Jews.

So yeah.

I’m going to briefly go over these comments (skipping over much of it to just address the main points), and then we’ll return to the glorious madman himself: CJB.

The Jews wanted to destroy the Ottoman Empire to free up Palestine. I believe they referred to the Armenians as the Amalekites, which they are told in the Torah to kill.

Wait, did they want to destroy the Ottoman Empire or kill the Armenians?

And the Armenians have nothing to do with the Amalekites.

by 1915 the Ottomans were defeated but there is still the Arabs who were more opposed to Zionism than the Ottomans. Well in 1916 T.E. Lawrence enters Arabia, thw Arab uprising happens, and by 1917 the Balfour Declaration is written.

What does the Arab Revolt have to do with this? And the Ottomans were only defeated in 1918; the Arab Revolt was against the Ottomans.

The OP seems puzzled of why the Jews would have wanted to start WWI, so I'm assuming they must not have heard of the Bolsheviks.

Uhh… No, I mentioned the Bolsheviks explicitly. They were not Jews. And they were not an inevitable result of starting a world war.

It may also me worth mentioning the Sauds originally come from Turkey and were descendents of Donmeh Jews as well as their personal Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab, which is where Wahabbi Islam comes from.

Nope, both come from the Arabian peninsula.

Middle Eastern Historians have been killed for making the information public, but it was even released in translated unsealed documents America took from Iraq.

Full on conspiracy theorist here.

Did I say something so offensive?


If you were Middle Eastern, or should I use the term Semetic, then you would know about the history of Donmeh Jews.

Uh, I actually am both Middle Eastern and Semitic. I’m a Jew living in Israel.

And I know the history of the Donmeh.

People don't go around making up stuff these stories out of hate,

And here I burst out into laughter.

especially when Jewish people have been sources for information on Sabbati Zevi and the Donmeh Jews.

Wait, why would the Jews be giving out info related to their own crimes?

Anyway, seeing this basically forced me to write something on it, and hey, why not make a return to CJB. Last time, I was going to review some posts on his blog, but ended up with just one really long post. So now, I’m going to look at a few more.

But first, an observation on his blog; it’s called “Jewish Racism”, and the banner on top of the blog has a verse from Deuteronomy:

For thou art a holy people, unto the Lord thy God: the Lord hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all the people that are on the face of the Earth.

See? The Jews claim they’re better than everyone else! Racism!

Except that racism is “the belief in the superiority of one race over another” (as per Wikipedia), and Judaism allows conversion. So, uh…

Anyway, on to some actual posts.

YouTube has deleted the popular channel TheRapeofJustice which featured many videos which brought my work to hundreds of thousands of viewers


For example, the channel, which had about fifty thousand subscribers at the time, mirrored my video presentation:

This is a video of what I tore to shreds in my previous post.

When last I checked, the number of subscribers to TheRapeOfJustice channel had eclipsed fifty thousand. The video as a mirror had achieved more than forty thousand views in a few weeks and was going viral.

Forty thousand views is not “going viral”.

At that point, utilizing the sham device of the "YouTube Community" as a pretext, YouTube censored the video with a blank screen warning viewers against watching it, and blocking those features which enable videos to go viral.

There are no “features which enable videos to go viral”. I think what you mean is they demonetized it. Because ad companies don’t want their ads on anti-Semitic Holocaust denial videos.

By falsely attributing their independent action to a mythical "YouTube Community" whose supposed existence contradicts the raw numbers of viewers, likes and subscribers who in fact represent the real community of YouTube,

What? Can I have a source for that?

OK, this isn't badhistory. I'm going to move on to anoth-

given that I was promoting my book for sale, they have violated my rights to compete in a free and fair marketplace across State and International lines, thereby violating the spirit of interstate commerce and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

Woah, what? What does this have to do with the Sherman Anti-Trust act? That prohibits companies from conspiring to form monopolies. It has nothing to do with YOU POSTING HATE SPEECH.

And now he talks about the Russian interference in American elections. I am NOT finishing this arti-

Not only has YouTube censored my work, not only have journals which publish dishonest attacks on me refused to publish my responses,


CJB, if you’re reading this, please look at my previous posts and comment how I’m wrong. If you do that, I promise that I will make a post featuring it. And tearing it to shreds.

but foreign governments are actively censoring my works and blocking public access to websites which feature them. We live in dangerous times.

Goddamn it. OK, next post.

I am making a documentary about time, space

Oh, CJB has reformed! He’s moving on to science!

and the survival of the White Race.

Goddamn it.

I believe our minds deceive us with various conceptions of time and space that permit us to survive moments, while ignoring the consequences of our decisions across broader spans of time. When we establish beginnings, endings and existences, we look for mile markers on the side of the road. But there is so much more of which we are not aware than that which can conceive, and these conditions affect our future, as they affected our past. All of our images of past and future are in the present. Therefore, we place far greater primacy on what is, than what might be and what is likely to occur. This creates a sort of a mental mouse trap. We seek to feed ourselves in the moment, rather than gauge time across a thousand generations of our genes.

OK, you’re against ignorant short-term decision making. So what?

It is common practice to praise the Chinese for the wisdom of their patience and their understanding that time will pass and bring with it its changes. They take small steps on an infinite journey and we commend them for it.

Yeah. You just said you were against short-term decision making, and now you say the Chinese do long-term decision making. So, you like the Chinese?

But when Whites look to their future with hope and desire, they are roundly condemned as if murderous monsters. In a way, we ought to be flattered that we are so feared for the superiority of our past.

What does “superiority of our past” mean? If it means taking over the whole world, then what about the parts of history before the 15th century? If it means technology, then what about China?

But they are trying to kill us off and so vanity is not a sane option.

Whoa, who’s trying to kill you off?

The Jews are trying to erase our memories of ourselves, our ancestors and what it is to be a White human being.

Oh, of course. The Jews.

They know that if we forget ourselves we will be lost, merely moments which they define in our consciousness as hatred of ourselves. They hope that the White elders will die off and bury with their old bones all knowledge of the race. And then human children will know nothing of us or those who carried our genes across thousands of years and thousands of miles. We will be as forgotten and irrelevant in the minds of men as are the billions of fossils trapped under the seas.

What? The Jews want whites to forget themselves, have the old people die, and then no one will know anything about them? Excuse me?

The Jews bear witness to the extinction of the peoples they have exterminated and to the animals and plants disappearing from the earth, and they celebrate their demise. The Jews seek to exterminate Whites and ruin creation, which they believe is polluted, poisoned with our existence. But that is the Jews and their twisted minds.

Um. I’m honestly not sure what to even say here.

What of us? What do we hold in the cupped hands of our minds which entitles us to fence off a bit more time for us? What chronicles of was will be written in the minds of our great, great grandchildren, so that we do not perish like yesterday’s winds? So that they do not wander alone without us seeking for answers only to find them in Jewish lies of what we were.

OK, this is full on badphilosophy now. I’m skipping some nonsense here. He rants about time, preserving the white race, how Jews are trying to erase white history, and not much else. And even manages to fail at that.

It is important to consider the distant past. Think of the White Race in the remote past. Imagine each White person as a part, an elemental unit of the whole. They were always in groups breeding with one another. In a crowd, they would only bump into another White person. That was the nature of the race at that time. Then they began to take foreign labor and face conquest. The blood mixed and often the genius and beauty disappeared. Now imagine each White person separated from the others by non-White neighbors, then family members, dispersed and heterogeneous like particles of white paint mixed with a thousand different colors growing increasingly diluted on an increasingly messy palette. It becomes more and more difficult to ever reunite male and female of the race to produce offspring of the race.

That’s full out racism. Whites are superior to other races, and are being dilated.

Wait, isn’t your blog called “Jewish Racism”? So is that actually positive? Clearly you like racism.

That is what Jews are doing to Whites.

How exactly are Jews doing this?

And it is not merely taking place in time and space, but also in the abstract, where images that only have meaning in our minds of mixed children are displayed on public billboards and in advertisements.


The Jews are erasing the White Race even in our thoughts. We look upon these two dimensional images which capture our thoughts in time and limit our actions in space and we do not see ourselves or our ancestors. We have been erased from consciousness. Instead we see and think about our replacements as our reality. Why do we tolerate this?


I will have a great deal more to say about time, space and survival and hope my documentary will soon be completed.


*deep breath*

OK, I’m good.

It is important for Whites to surround themselves with other Whites. We must not allow ourselves to be consumed in mixtures where we cannot find one another and see in each other our selves. It is important for us to consider the nature of time, space and survival. If we do not compose that which is time, we are not, and it will be as if we never were. We live in a time of survival of the self aware and the extinction of the self hating.

Welp. That was apparently a thing. A thing that isn’t really badhistory per se, so let’s try something else.

People often suggest I debate so and so about such and such. Most often their suggestions are sincere and productive. Sometimes, it is obvious that they are provocateurs trying to stir the pot.

Oh hey, wanna debate me? Or am I a provocateur?

I suggest the creation of emojis which when hovered over provide standard definitions of common debate terms and logical definitions, including "strawman", "ad hominem", "non sequitur", "petitio pincipii", etc. which debaters can click on to challenge the statements of their opponents and compel a response. The audience could also enter these in the accompanying chat.

OK, this is still not badhistory. Umm…

Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton helped to elect arch-Zionist, Chabad Lubavitch and Russian puppet Donald Trump.

No, that’s badpolitics…

I have just released my new book EINSTEIN'S RACISM EXPOSED!. I think it is fair to say that this book demonstrates Jewish hypocrisy and Jewish privilege better than anything else I have ever read, heard, seen or written. And that is due to Albert Einstein, not me. The same man who called separation a disease of White people, demanded that Jews separate. The same cultural icon who insisted that all non-Jewish nations surrender their sovereignty to Jewish global government, demanded that Jews establish their own segregated nation to preserve their race. After stating that anti-Semitism is good for the Jews, Einstein insisted that the Germans be exterminated for being anti-Jewish. It goes on and on, you'll just have to read the book to fully appreciate the nature of Jewish privilege and Jewish hypocrisy which Albert Einstein personified.

Ah, that counts.

OK, let’s see…

He bore a lifelong hatred of Germans that grew into a genocidal desire to exterminate all Europeans.

Wait, what?

Einstein advocated a European Union and asserted that the Chinese were a superior race to Europeans and were destined to replace Europeans, whom he hated. But his racist hatreds soon spread to the Chinese when he encountered them in person during his travels to raise money for the Zionist cause. The travel diaries he wrote are littered with xenophobic and supremacist views of the Chinese and Jews.


Statues honoring men of the Confederacy are being removed from public places in the name of combating racism. Politicians are changing the names of streets to increase "diversity". There are cries to dishonor the founding fathers of America due to their participation in slavery. It is illegal to honor Adolf Hitler in Germany. But where is the outrage at Albert Einstein for his racism?


OK, I’m stopping here. I need a break. So stay tuned for part 4!

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Debate Me:



Note to mods: Admittedly, most of this post isn't really badhistory. However, it's part of a badhistory series, on a badhistory person. While this post alone wouldn't be appropriate for this subreddit, I think that given the context, it's OK. If you don't think so, I'll get rid of the non-badhistory and put more badhistory in.

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