Discord has malware...

Published on May 30, 2021
Discord has a big issue with Malware, as hadckers are exploiting and hacking Discord's core features. Some issues have been highlighted over the past week, about both Discord and Slack - but for the majority of this video; I will be speaking about Slack (even though it is the same concept). This is due to the content delivery network (CDNs) which allow users to upload files onto Discord's Database. This also has issues within the Discord API, with files being shared across it.

There is a major issue with malware being shared around Discord allowing users to hack into Discord Accounts, and get them banned from a variety of servers whilst committing crimes.

Background: Minecraft Java Edition - 1.8.9 - Hypixel Bedwars

Source: Cisco Talos

➜ Full report:

➜ Servers to Join:
https://discord.gg/customname (doing Discord Stage Channels Recently)

➜ Reddit:

➜ Awesome People:

➜ Partnered Minecraft Server:
Mineplex IP: us.mineplex.com

✯ Tech Information ✯
Computer: Apple iMac, Late 2015
Microphone: Shure SM7B
Audio Interface: Foucusrite Scarlett 2i2
Recording Software: Screenflick

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