African Welfare Migrant is Pissed at the Irish for being "The Most Racist people on Earth "

Published on Mar 2, 2023
Black Welfare migrant is ticked off at the European People for paying for the education of his Children and says that its "racist" for Irish teachers to be teaching Irish History in Irish Schools payed for by Irish Tax payers ! (lol)

This Joker says "he is the one who should provide and educate his children " But he refuses to do EITHER Of those things! This guy also claims its "abuse" to send Children to School ?

This is yet another example of why these Migrants need to be sent back home. (where they should be).

This Black Welfare Migrant moved to Europe " more than 10 Years ago" and has been sucking off the European People for more than a decade! As you can see, He is obviously so "thankful " for all of Your help taking care of him and his family all this time. (lol)

The Irish People were FORCED to spend $$$ 200% more taking care of Migrants last year than Educating ALL the Children in Ireland ! WOW !

BTW-----Ireland spent $5 Billion last year taking care of these Welfare migrants (that is about 7% of the entire budget of the Nation of Ireland !!) and since most of these Imported migrants will NEVER actually work or pay for anything this will very likely be a Constant Expense from this point going forward. (Actually it will be much more in the years ahead as they migrants have children. (most of their Children will also not work just look at the USA where even 2nd/3rd/4th Generation migrants are mostly also on Welfare !)

Imagine what White People could do with all that money over the next 50, 60, 100 years ?

Hope All of You are doing well, Thank You and God Bless !


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