Gods of War: WW1 in Africa: The Will to FIGHT: The Tiny German Army that NEVER SURRENDERED!
Published on Nov 4, 2024
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Today's story is about the WILL POWER of ONE MAN who decided to FIGHT in the face of TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE ODDS. This is an incredible story from Africa of the German Colonel Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck. He was the only German Commander of an army in WW1 to never be defeated or captured. He was the only German Commander to have a VICTORY PARADE in Berlin at the end of WW1. He was the only German Commander to invade a British territory during WW1 and he even successfully invaded Portuguese territory! Hitler knew about him and really liked what he had done in WW1. He pulled off the greatest feat of guerilla warfare in all of history.
This video was recorded on 2024-10-24.
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