Jews Leave British Detention Camp For Palestine AKA Jewish Refugees In Detention Camp (1940)

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Oct 20, 2023
Famagusta, Cyprus

Jewish refugees leave British Detention Camp, Caraolas near Famagusta for Palestine.

L.S. Exterior of barbed wire surrounding encampment pan across the camp. L.S. Interior of camp showing tented dwellings. M.S. Hand releasing padlock on chain at camp gate. M.S. crowds surging towards gate. C.U. Type behind padlocked gate. (2 shots). M.S. Women's P.T. (exercise) class (2 shots). M.S. Low angle shot of star of David flag flying over encampment. L.S. Instructor blowing whistle. C.U. Instructor blowing whistle. M.S. woman being instructed on how to cross a ravine by a single rope. L.S. Crowd outside compound. L.S. crowds outside compound. M.S. Ditto showing British guard. (2 shots). L.S. Inmates behind two rows of barbed wire. M.S. Ditto. L.S. Elevated shot of men walking round the camp. M.S. Ditto. (2 shots). S.C.U. Ditto. (2 shots). S.C.U. Ditto. L.S. Rear view of body of men outside camp. M.S. Men behind barbed wire. M.S. cheering Jewish crowd after declaration of independence. M.S. Woman learning how to catwalk along rope. C.U. Ditto. M.S. tented home for family of 8 (2 shots) S.C.U. Jewish woman doing her washing. M.S. Girls P.T. group. M.S. New Arrivals climbing down from army lorry. S.C.U. Ditto C.U. Young baby. M.S. Families going up gangplank boarding ship to sail for Palestine. S.C.U. Front view ditto. Ditto with Nurse. M.S. Elevated shot families on quayside pan to climbing gangplank. C.U. Type climbing up a gangplank. M.S. Types climbing up gangplank. C.U. Bearded Jew. Supervising the embarkation. L.S. Elevated families on quayside. M.S. Family moving up gangplank. M.S. Elevated families on deck of ship. S.C.U. Family on deck of ship looking out to sea. L.S. Dockside scene. M.S. Stern of vessel taking refugees to Palestine. C.U. Types going up gangplank. Faces of men, women and children (5 shots). M.S. Bottom of gangplank. M.S. Types going up gangplank L.S. truck full of refugees winding through hills of eastern Cyprus. M.S. Ditto. C.U. Army lorry above ditto. L.S. ship leaving for Palestine. C.U. Ships whistle blowing. L.S. dockside scene taken from departing ship. M.S. ditto. Refugees in foreground. M.S. Deck of ship at sea. S.C.U. Jewish family lying on deck of ship. M.S. Ditto. Refugees in foreground. M.S. Deck of ship at sea. S.C.U. Jewish family lying on deck of ship. C.U. feeding child of the above. L.S. ship at sea. Cyprus on the Horizon. (2 shots). C.U. type sitting on deck. M.S. Washing hanging out on ship deck. C.U. man holding baby, sitting on deck. C.U. Man looking out to sea. C.U. Man and woman looking out to sea. C.U. man and woman ditto. (2 shots) M.S. types looking to sea. Cyprus in horizon. S.C.U. two types looking to sea, Cyprus on horizon. C.U. woman's face. C.U. mans face. C.U. woman's face.

Note healthy condition of all pictured

Cataloguers note: Interesting Documentation

Mute B/W.
FILM ID:2441.11



British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.


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