This Is Why We Are Seeing the Collapse of Western Civilization

Published on Aug 9, 2022
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In many ways, Western Civilization seems to be experiencing its death throes!

Its most respected institutions of government are increasingly mocked, its values are now up for grabs, and its citizenry, in some nations, seem absolutely dedicated to taking their country into civil war. And in our intertwined, global society, what happens to the West will inevitably impact the entire world.

How did we find ourselves on the precipice of such chaos and self-destruction?
To answer that question, we first need to understand a key element in the birth of Western Civilization to begin with, because you can’t understand what is happening to the West until you understand its changing relationship to the word of God, the Bible.

Join us right now on Tomorrow’s World as we look at “How the Bible Built Western Civilization.”

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World—where we make sense of your world through the pages of the Bible.

Today, we’re going to examine what’s going on in Western Civilization from a point of view than you will see in most analyses.

Our program is broadcast all over the world, and citizens of many nations, small and great, tune in to Tomorrow’s World to find real answers to the most important questions of life. And these days, many people all over the world are asking themselves, “What is happening to Western Civilization?”

In some of the very democracies and republics that have been considered models of lawful, orderly, peaceful government, scenes of disorder, lawlessness, and conflict have become common sights in our newsfeeds and cable broadcasts.

To be sure, it wasn’t always like this.

While many great civilizations have existed throughout history, in many ways, Western Civilization has created the modern world in which we live.

Now I don’t say this as universal praise. The history of Western Civilization is a spotty record, to be sure. The same nations and cultures that have given the world many gifts that are enjoyed by so many today have also been sources of conflict, subjugation, and warfare. Many nations that were once colonies of Western nations may find that they benefit from their association with Western culture and civilization, but that doesn’t mean they always did so. And many of the West’s accomplishments were financed in part by the wealth and resources it obtained from OTHER nations


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