Pharmakeia | Drugs, Black Magic & Pill Sigils | Part One
Published on Sep 1, 2022
I've seen many friends and Co-worker's do this, they start taking pills and it's like once their under the influence they change from good, nice, caring, empathic people to mean, nasty, back sliding liars with no remorse for anyone or anything except if it serves their task to accomplish their own goals and ideals.
Ever Wonder Why They Call it Alcohol & Spirits?
Ever Wonder Why The Call Being In-toxi-cated and UNDER the IN-FLU-ENCE? You Become Under The Influence of SPIRITS!!!
Certain Natural Plant Based Medicine Actually Resonate On A Higher Frequency Domain Modulation Level And The Negative Entities Find It Repulsive And Will Retreat In It's Presence Like Sage For Example.
pharmacy (n.)
late 14c., farmacie, "a medicine that rids the body of an excess of humors (except blood);" also "treatment with medicine; theory of treatment with medicine," from Old French farmacie "a purgative" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia "a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing," from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer" from pharmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment." Beekes writes that the original meaning cannot be clearly established, and "The word is clearly Pre-Greek." The ph- was restored 16c. in French, 17c. in English (see ph).
Meaning "the use or administration of drugs" is from c. 1400; the sense of "art or practice of preparing, preserving, and compounding medicines and dispensing them according to prescriptions" is from 1650s; that of "place where drugs are prepared and dispensed" is recorded by 1833.
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