(February 3rd, 2025) And this is my first ever Hong Kong The Eastern Pearl Dishes, Cabbage Stir Fry Dau Fu 包菜炒豆腐

Published on Feb 3, 2025

(February 3rd, 2025)
Never thought i can see this thing in here, Lunar New Year discount, So i just bought this Zen Japan Cooking Wok, To support our own people and Hong Kong people .
And this is my first ever Hong Kong The Eastern Pearl Dishes, Cabbage Stir Fry Dau Fu .

So, Non Stick and when cook, It don't have heavy smoke like the fucking retarded communist Mao's Son cooking egg fried rice and being see bomb by enemy .

I wanna cook the Broccoli like my Boss, But Broccoli sold out, I have walk 2 shooping mall, And all Broccoli sold out .

You know, After they has watch Boss Koo Tornado cook Broccoli clip https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/113909081530495458 ,
They all lightning speed for get Broccoli, Including me, But i'm slow .

So i just purchased Cabbage and Dau Fu, Now i got tons of Cabbage
and Dau Fu, And this is my first Hong Kong The Eastern Pearl Dishes .
Cabbage Stir Fry Dau Fu (Although Tornado Style Broccoli is better) .

And this is what i've prepared for Cabbage Stir Fry Dau Fu this day:
Zen Japan Wok, Electric stove,
Half bowl of clean fresh water from water filter, Half Spoon of Pure Ocean salt,

3/1 Spoon of Organic Cane Sugar made from bamboo plants (Even is made by Bamboo Organic Cane, Don't need this much, Just 3/1 a little),

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Even is Pure Virgin Like Me, This Zen Japan Wok Won't Stick and don't have heavy smoke, So few drops is enough, 3 to 5 drops),

Cabbage cut in pieces (Depend on how many person you have, And this much is for me alone only, So 1 Cabbage i use 3/1 for this),

Dau Fu, 3 Dau Fu for me, Actually 1 is enough for me, Because this day need to display on videos for you guys to see, So i don't wanna just put 1 Dau Fu like the fucking Hungry Ghost Nigger not enough good life to eat, You know, I just bought Tons of Tau Fu, 2 Bags of Dau Fu on my Huge Refrigerator now, So 3 Dau Fu for this video is never mind .

Some Hong Kong Raisin, Some Oatmeal, 1 Chili Pepper or Yellow Chili Pepper, Cut piece, You can also add some carrot pieces, Cream Cheese a little, Potato Wedges, Vegan Hot Dogs .

Mushrooms Vegetarian Stir-Fry Sauce or Hong Kong Fried Rice Soy Sauce(For me, Only Hong Kong Fried Rice Soy Sauce is enough) .

And this is how i cook for this Cabbage Stir Fry Dau Fu:
First, Clean up the Rice with water 2 to 3 times around 1 minute in Electric Rice Cooker Pot (Japanese Rice or High Quality Hong Kong Rice also can), Throw away the water, And clean fresh water from water filter, The high of Rice and Water same, Use one of your finger to measure the water level, Index finger insert to the end of bottom and thumb finger put on the surface of Rice, So you know the high, Hold this level and put index finger on the surface of Rice, Open up filter water and add in until the water level touch your thumb finger,
Then turn on the Electric Rice Cooker .

Throw Half bowl of clean fresh water from water filter and Cabbage pieces put into Zen Japan Wok, Electric stove low fire level .

It won't stick, And the water won't gone that fast in the air,
So i don't need to worry about to keep moving Cabbage,
Now, Just add few drops of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 to 5 drops, Cream Cheese a little,
3 Dau Fu, Potato Wedges, Vegan Hot Dogs, Hong Kong Raisin, Some Oatmeal, 1 Chili Pepper or Yellow Chili Pepper pieces, You can also add some carrot pieces .

Now add in Mushrooms Vegetarian Stir-Fry Sauce or Hong Kong Fried Rice Soy Sauce(For me, Only Hong Kong Fried Rice Soy Sauce is enough), Half Spoon of Pure Ocean salt, 3/1 Spoon of Organic Cane Sugar made from bamboo plants .

Now Electric stove medium fire level, Moving them a little bit, Just like burning California and Philadelphia, Until they are look like this after 2 or 3 minutes, https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/113940216199428406 https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/113940217844041692,
Sorry, Wrong showing, I mean like this https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/113940219195022378 .

Stir Fry them more 1 to 2 minutes, Done, Ya, Just this fast, This Zen Japan Cooking Wok heat fast and keep the warm, Turn Off the Electric stove and Close the top up .

So just can go take a bath or shower, After that throw the clothing to my Toshiba Washing Machine, Also our Japan thing, Not made in china or communist/Semitic .

After that, Enjoy my Cabbage Stir Fry Dau Fu .

Steel chopsticks is use for cooking, Japanese wood chopsticks is use for eating .

So this is my first ever Hong Kong The Eastern Pearl Dishes, Cabbage Stir Fry Dau Fu .

(Actually i also use left hand on chopsticks all the time, So it surprising Hit N Fun, Like my Boss in this movie)
So after this Vegan meal, I can heading to cinema to watch Hit N Fun again this day .

Each day just eat once for me, So if hungry, Then eat over 大排檔, And tell them to cook Vegan Dishes etc etc .

For me, Going out to eat to support the people that you really wanna to support is better, I just some time cook by myself:




禪日本鍋 , 電磁爐 。
3/1 匙羹有機蔗糖由竹植物製成(就算係竹有機蔗,都唔使咁多,只需3/1 少少就夠喇),





將半碗濾水器乾淨清水同埋包菜片抌落去個禪日本鍋度 , 電磁爐開細火。


加入半匙羹純海鹽,加入3/1 匙羹有機蔗糖由竹植物製成嘅。

對唔住,顯示錯誤添,我嘅意思係,好似咁樣 https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/113940219195022378。





(其實我都喺自細用咗手筷子嘅 ,就好似我大佬響臨時決鬥一樣)


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