More than 300 migrants hunker down at San Diego airport: ‘It’s grown exponentially’

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Nov 28, 2023
The San Diego International Airport has become overrun with migrants waiting for flights out of the area — with more than 300 hunkering down there last week, including some who sat on the floor for days. NY Port reporter Melissa Koenig shares this story.

“It’s grown exponentially, and we’re not totally sure why,” said Krystle Johnson, a volunteer with We All We Got, to the San Diego Union-Tribune.

“It’s almost becoming a second [migrant welcome] center because there’s so many people there,” she said of the airport.

Volunteers say the situation has gotten worse in recent weeks.

Roni Elias, another volunteer for We All We Got, said the organization had typically been bringing 50 sandwiches and meal packs to migrants at the airport, but when she handed them out last week, she realized that wasn’t close to enough.


#migrants #sandiego #airport

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