Kathleen Sorenson Died to Give You this Testimony

Published on Nov 29, 2020

by John DeCamp

This account by Kathleen Sorenson that you read below comes at a high price. This woman who went public to warn all parents and guardians of children of the danger of ritual, satanic abuse and murder gave her life to enable you to know the truth. She was, herself, killed because she tried to tell you this truth which we publish below. The very least we can do is to pass on the terrible truth that she wanted you to know so that our children and our society can be protected.
Because the perversity of this satanic abuse and murder which she exposes is so foreign to our way of thinking and our experience, some readers will find it hard to believe that such things are possible. Maybe some will say she exaggerates. Although these same people may criticize us, we thought it better for you to be informed instead of following most of the public media's bad example in hiding such things from you. (For example, the son of Sam murders in New York City in the 1970's were all ritual satanic murders of which the police records show each of the victims' bodies were desecrated in a manner only done by satanists, yet to this day the general public is unaware of this fact and ignorant of the dangers, and does nothing to protect themselves and their family.
Parents must be informed and should read Kathleen Sorenson's testimony. However, before letting their children read it, they must read it first lest they find it too horrible for their children. Nevertheless, we are reminded that St. Mary, Our Most Loving Mother in Heaven showed three children; Jacinta aged 7, Francisco aged 9, and Lucia aged 10, the vision of Hell. The ritual murders described below are less gruesome than the perpetual death that the victims of satan suffer in Hell for all eternity.
This account is taken from John DeCamp's book The Franklin Cover-up. John has appeared several times on our TV program. He is a 16-year veteran Senator of the State of Nebraska, a war hero in Vietnam and the organizer of Operation Baby Lift which saved more than 2000 children from the hell of post-war Vietnam. He was decorated several times for these acts of valor. His book, which gives much more detail about the dangers to our children by satanism, drugs, prostitution, etc., is available from The Fatima Crusader. 
 Pictured here is John DeCamp and his book The Franklin Cover-upfrom which this article is taken. He has appeared on our TV program several times warning people about the danger of satanic ritual murder and other perils threatening our children today. This 288 page book is available from The Fatima Crusader.
A groundbreaking account of satanic activities in Nebraska came from Kathleen Sorenson, the foster mother who took in Nelly and Kimberly Patterson after they fled from the Webbs (their former foster parents).
Mrs. Sorenson decided to speak out about what she had learned from children in her care. Together with her eldest foster daughter, a survivor of ritualistic abuse, she spoke at public forums around the state, gave radio and television interviews, and appeared on Geraldo Rivera's nationally televised special on satanism. This is the report Kathleen Sorenson gave on a Christian TV interview program aired in Nebraska in 1989, based on her experience with over 30 children who spent months or years in her home.
"We got involved and learned about this subject because we were foster parents and worked with a number of children. And several years back, several of the children began, after a period of time and building up trust, to talk about some very bizarre events that had happened in their past and they were frightening and very confusing. I really didn't know what to think. We went to the police, and we went to social services, and there was really nothing anyone could do. These children we worked with are now adopted, in safe homes, and probably would never have talked had they not felt able to trust the people they were living with.
"There are certain things that are in common in the childrens' stories when we talk about devil worship ... There are things that come up in every single story, such as candles. They all talk about sex. Sex is without a doubt a part of every area of this, all sorts of perverted sex. That is what you will first hear, about the sex, about the incest, and it is so hard to believe. But once we get that, we have learned that we can go on and ask and find out ... and it will involve pornography; that is always part of it. Part of the reason is that they can use that to threaten the children. 'We have pictures we will show the police if you talk.' It makes the children feel that they are in great danger, and they are all very frightened of the law. They talk about the garish make-up that the people in the group wear, they talk about the singing that they didn't understand. Obviously that is chanting, and that has come up in every one of these stories, and none of them c

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