The Luciferian Roots of Kabbalah Esoteric Knowledge
Published on Apr 6, 2021
“As above, so below" is a popular modern paraphrase of the second verse of the #Emerald Tablet (a compact and cryptic Hermetic text first attested in a late eighth or early ninth century Arabic source),as it appears in its most widely divulged medieval Latin translation: The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6, except for perhaps a few partial verses like the first half of Luke 4:4, is probably the best known part of the Bible. A substantially large percentage of the population know this prayer, including many non-believers, scoffers, apostates and New Agers. To some it has been reduced to an incantation. To others it is a prayer spoken in times of desperation. To those who are truly born again they are truly deep and powerful, spiritual words, but not a substitute for repentance and accepting Christ as one's Lord and Saviour.
There are 2 other books of Enoch the 2nd or the Slavic version and the 3rd book of Enoch. Neither one of those have nothing to do with the original the first book of Enoch or the Ethiopian version. The Jewish Zohar has a complication of esoteric teachings uses the 2nd book Enoch. To guide the Magican To summon angels to ascend and descend from heaven attempting to become and angel.
: A huge Deception is that Man is GOD. And That man created God and God was created by man.
this is a very good time to use this verse “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.†Galatians 1:8-9 (The Talmud of Zohar)In the medieval times the moors of Spain were also as Arabs, Moslems, and Saracens. They were the originators of alchemy & Kabbalah keeping many of the teachings concerning these arts secrets, only intended for mystics who were worthy of understanding these divine sciences (THESE DIVINE). The pretended secrets of the cabal, of alchemy, of the divining rod, and all the accounts, formerly so common, of sorcerers, magicians, and enchanters, are derived from these descendants of Arabs. They were a superstitious race from the Saracen.
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