An Introduction to Germar Rudolf by a Douchebag

Published on Jun 30, 2022
Myles is a bold-faced LIAR - We are STILL awaiting his CHEMISTRY OF AUSCHWITZ Challenge - Germar Rudolf's Book

(((It has now been almost two years since I was challenged by Mike, Jesse and Alex of the TDS podcast to refute Germar Rudolf’s book, The Chemistry of Auschwitz. This has led some online to believe that I am unable to do so and therefore, somehow the Nazis did not systematically kill millions of people in their death camps. The truth however is that I simply don’t like being told what to do and rather childishly have been watching with great joy as revisionists claim victory online. Now that things have died down a little, I have decided it time to tackle this rather bland and unconvincing book, but before I do I would like to introduce you to the author, Germar Rudolf. ))) 

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