Brian Ruhe Presents - Diane King and John Kaminski (Oct 16, 2018), June 8, 2022

Published on Jun 13, 2022
Monika Schaefer reports on Holohoax prisoners unjustly incarcerated
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2022 5-7 P.M. EDT
By John Kaminski

We’re talking about something that has been going on for much longer than we realize. Cicero talked about this in ancient Rome. You find nothing but trouble when you start talking about the Jews, because they have always controlled the superstructure of society, which is the money that controls the lives of everyone. “Tell the truth and go to jail” is a story I’ve written at least four times. In 2009 it was about Horst Mahler and Fredrick Töben, referencing the decades-long ordeals of Ernst Zündel and Robert Faurisson. All these forthright individuals, most of them now dead, insisted on reporting the truthful facts about what Germany tried and failed to stop organized Jewry from painting a picture about World War II that was not true, just as the reasons for even starting and conducting World War II were not true as well, which is part of the larger story about all the wars that always start with behind-the-scenes finagling of very rich Jews consolidating their hold on the money supply.

Jailing innocent people is a story that resonates in every era, but particularly today when so many patriotic Americans slammed into Washington jails today were victims of official government lies that, like the twisted fables about the so-called Holocaust, were fabricated to suit the wishes of oppressive government by punishing sincere and innocent individuals who only wish that the true facts of their unjust incarceration were published by a congenitally dishonest media incapable of telling the objective truth about anything. As I look through that first story the line that leaps out to me is this one. Our situation is much worse than the harsh futures Orwell and Huxley contemplated. You will be told what to believe or else. You will love the Jews, even as they rob and kill you.

1. Kaminski: The Galileo Syndrome Tell the truth and go to jail!

2. Alfred Schaefer's Letter from a German Prison
John Kaminski, Diane King, Brian Ruhe
Now today, June 8, 2022, Monika Schaefer gets to tell her story about her brother Alfred, who is still in jail for refusing to knuckle under to the Jewish thought police who rule virtually all the media of the world, as well as all its governments, all its universities.

And he is not alone. After nearly 60 years of convincing a deluded public that 6 million Jews suffered unjust punishment from a German regime that was only trying to protect itself from the worldwide Jewish money machine, thousands of others have literally been imprisoned, tortured and killed for a fantasy that has never been proven except by the libelous lies of worldwide Jewish media and corrupt governments controlled by criminal Jewish bankers in their crooked courts and slanderous newspapers.

Monika Schaefer, a friendly fiddle player from the Canadian West, knows all about this treatment.
Canadian Woman Visits Germany,
Questions Holocaust, Gets Tossed in the Slammer
And have been writing about this subject for many years.

3. Kaminski: The Truth is Now Against the Law

4. Kaminski: Ordered to be silent
Recite the Jews’ version of history or face gag orders and jail time
Other essays on similar subjects
Kaminski: The world can’t trust what America says

Concluding notes: The press has degenerated under Jewish control and influence into lying propaganda agencies whose chief mission appears to be to deceive and befuddle the people. In Protocol 12 the Elders of Zion say of the Press: “Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them. — George Armstrong, The Rothschild Money Trust, 1940, p.47

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