Leon Degrelle - What Made the SS the Most Elite Warriors in Recorded History

Published on Jun 10, 2024
An excerpt from the excellent speech 'Epic - Leon Degrelle', Leon Degrelle is the most important surviving member of the NSDAP to have his voice heard. His exceptional gallantry in combat as a Waffen-SS officer, rising from Private to General, earned him every distinction available to the Aryan warrior. Engaging in over 75 hand-to-hand combat actions, leading in the Russian campaign, Adolf Hitler was a close acquaintance of Leon's. It was stated that Hitler felt 'If he were to have a son, he would hope that he would be like Leon. Degrelle wrote and published multiple books by the age 20 and was the leader of the Rexist Party of Belgium, leading up to the war.
Being one of the very last German soldiers to man the front, Leon used the influence of power that remained in 1945 to search for any means of escape; acquiring an airplane with little fuel, Degrelle accomplished a daring escape to Spain where he resided with his family, and even worked on state funded airstrips -- in full National Socialist, Waffen-SS regalia. Proudly presenting the lengths of his distinctions on his uniform for all to admire. Now, I share with you one of the men to which I hope to model my own existence after, Mr. Leon Degrelle. o/
Deutschland SIEG!!!! o/

The Juden does not sleep well with young Aryans like Leon around.

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