Christian Zionism: The Antichrists' Rewrite of History- The Scofield Bible is a LIE!

Published on Dec 4, 2021
Before the foul Scofield bible, Christians in the USA all opposed the Zionist takeover of Palestine, declaring it to be an act of great evil. So the backers of Zionism, engineered a mass misinformation effort, with such corrupted, anti-truth, Antichrist tools of deception, as the Scofield Bible, which has been written, backed and promoted by those of the evil Satanic New World Order which detests devout Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. The Scofield bible created the false "Christian Zionism" by deceiving people into supporting Zionism. Many Clergy have exposed the lies of the Scofield bible and Christian Zionism and that it is completely untrue. Good Jews, the world over, condemn Zionism as being agaisnt God and Holy Scripture.

The video is well done, however it does exaggerate the power of Christian Zionism whose numbers are in the low millions and dwindling rapidly. The greater body of Christ has not accepted the Zionist message in the USA or abroad. Great numbers of Israeli citizens detest Zionism now. The power behind Zionism is greatly exaggerated. Those who support the concept of Christian Zionism are in the extreme minority. Of all people in the US, a professional poll has shown that 76% want to cut off all aid to Israel due to their constant misuse of our weapons, in an offensive way, to murder innocent people. They threaten Congresspeople to join and support them or else- this is an act of war by a foreign power. Congress needs to serve the people by standing with the people.

Faithful Jews detest Zionism as being evil and in the words of Rabbi Dovid Weiss, they demand that Israel be dismantled and returned to the people of Palestine. they say the truth, that Jews have lived alongside the Christians and Muslims in total peace long before the Zionists came to town backed by the sinister bankers.

Ministers have discovered, more recently, throughout the US, that the Scofield Bible, in addition to supporting the Zionist war upon Palestine and other wars, actually says that we should not accept Jesus as our Savior. The thought that even one Christian would fall for the evil wicked pro-war lies of this misinformation is extremely sad. But they are no where near 70 million in numbers. The Council of Protestant churches is over 90 million(who oppose Zionist aggression and wars) and evangelical Christians have increasingly turned away from the false teachings of these unholy lies. Insiders, have reported that ministers have even been bribed to push these lies. However, now many ministers are awakening to the fact that the Scofield bible is entirely misinformation. War and hatred, which these psychopaths promote, are the exact opposite of the simple message of Jesus Christ- THAT WE MUST LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS! Treat everyone as you would have them treat you. The pro-war bankers and criminals who thrive on war and their cohorts prefer never ending warfare; they thrive with deception upon deception; one lie upon the other lie. Christ demanded a world full of true boundless joy and peace for everyone, everywhere. This is a reality that will happen. It will start with us all standing together against the wicked psychopaths in power who dare threaten our liberties. Standing together in Christ and together with our friends from other faiths, with a simple message of love and joy for all.


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